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  1. Yes, that's works perfectly. Thanks.
  2. Hello Peoples, I'm trying to create this Split-flap Display style animation using GSAP. I've got two images, each split into a grid and upon clicking, all the squares has to flip, revealing the other side. I'm trying to make a nested timeline and to stagger the whole thing. Here my code: //Splitting image into a grid var Split = function(tar) { this.$t = $(tar); this.gridX = 6; this.gridY = 4; this.w = this.$t.width(); this.h = this.$t.height(); this.img = $("img", this.$t).attr("src"); this.delay = 0.05; this.create = function() { $("div", this.$t).remove(); for (y = 0; y < this.gridY; y++) { for (x = 0; x < this.gridX; x++) { var width = this.w / this.gridX * 101 / this.w + "%", height = this.h / this.gridY * 101 / this.h + "%", top = this.h / this.gridY * y * 100 / this.h + "%", left = this.w / this.gridX * x * 100 / this.w + "%", bgPosX = -(this.w / this.gridX * x) + "px", bgPosY = -(this.h / this.gridY * y) + "px"; $("<div />") .css({ top: top, left: left, width: width, height: height, backgroundImage: "url(" + this.img + ")", backgroundPosition: bgPosX + " " + bgPosY, backgroundSize: this.w + "px", }) .addClass("segments") .appendTo(this.$t); } } }; this.create(); this.$t .on("click", function() { $(this).toggleClass("active"); }) .click(); }; $('.split').each(function() { var split = new Split(this); split.create(); }); //Flipping animation TweenMax.set(".segments",{transformPerspective:600}); $('.split').on('click',function() { var t1 = new TimelineMax(); t1.add([TweenMax.staggerTo($(".top").find(".segments"),1.0,{rotationY:"+=180",ease: Power2.easeIn},0.1), TweenMax.set(".top",{opacity:0}), TweenMax.set(".bottom",{opacity:1}), TweenMax.staggerTo($(".bottom").find(".segments"),1.0,{rotationY:"+=180",ease: Power2.easeOut},0.1)],0,"start",0 ); }) Can anyone help me on this?
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