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retropunk last won the day on April 16 2015

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Posts posted by retropunk

  1. Hi everyone, pardon my code but I'm just starting out with these classes and I wanted to get feedback on these button functions.

    What I notice is that if I rollover and out too quickly eventually the animation just hangs.

    I'm thinking I'm using these wrong and there is a better way to interrupt the animations?

    I am still learning so be gentle... thanks guys!

    - btw the tint vaules are defined somewhere else in the code.


    //button functions for the Click Button
    gameResults.clickMeBtn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, rollover, false, 0, true);
    gameResults.clickMeBtn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, rollout, false, 0, true);
    function rollover (event:MouseEvent):void {
    	TweenLite.to(gameResults.clickMeBtn.theBackground, .5, {tint:buttonColor});
    	TweenLite.to(gameResults.clickMeBtn.theOutline, .5, {tint:bgColor});
    function rollout (event:MouseEvent):void {
    	TweenLite.to(gameResults.clickMeBtn.theBackground, .5, {tint:bgColor});
    	TweenLite.to(gameResults.clickMeBtn.theOutline, .5, {tint:buttonColor});

  2. wow! that was simply awesome. I have tears in my eyes right now! Thanks a million!

    I appreciate the tips on my coding. I still have much to learn.


    I've been coasting too long on AS2 and its been to daunting taking on AS3 on my own. I can honestly say that after finding your classes I have a new found love for Flash again. It reminds me of when I first found Flash back in the 3.0 days! They just introduced alpha and I was never so excited.

    Thanks for making it fun again.


    - Patrick

  3. Hello everyone, I'm new here and somewhat new to AS3 so I apologize for any newbie questions.

    First off I want to applaud Greensock for this effort. I couldn't sign up fast enough! Some of the best code I've come across and for $99! Amazing work!


    I'm making a small Wheel of Fortune type game and I am using the rotate and blur tweens and they work great.

    The problem I am having is that when I rotate the wheel several times and then slow it down over time I can't get it to stop smoothly when it gets near the predetermined position.

    It stops on the right marks but it will jump abruptly at times. I tried using short rotation but I think I might be implementing it wrong.


    I'm attaching the fla. I have code on the timeline so please don't bash me. :)


    When you click the button to spin the wheel watch how it spins and blurs. Totally great but I'd like to have it stop a bit more gracefully.


    Thanks in advance for the help!

    - Patrick

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