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retropunk last won the day on April 16 2015

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Everything posted by retropunk

  1. nice, thats excellent. I think I am coming to the same conclusion. That original pen was something I forked with the intention of controlling it with the GSAP ticker for that reason. This also might be a perfect time to play with Pixi too! Thanks for the reminder Patrick
  2. well, it was more about the GSAP vs Canvas demo. I started a similar one based on the GSAP Physics demo. I forgot how easy the GSAP Physics plugin is to use. Although Canvas seems more performant. Thanks for the response, I'll post my demo later P
  3. Hello everyone, I forked and tweaked a Canvas animation on CodePen. http://codepen.io/SnapToPixels/pen/0cd8a0c9411b6bbba7b04e2d355c8540/?editors=001 I was wondering if anyone had created a similar animation using the GSAP Physics2DPlugin? I'm starting on it now but I thought it couldn't hurt to ask here too Thanks guys! P
  4. Thanks Carl I appreciate the video. It helps to see a simple example in practice. Not sure how I didn't see it before. I finally got it.
  5. OSUBlake, killer links! Thanks for sharing. I have been a fan of Pixi JS for a while now. Haven't used it much but I am excited to try PixiFlash. I can see it coming in handy for these types of animations...very cool! Thanks! - Patrick
  6. I just found out that when you create a DC In-App Expandable unit, DC adds it's own close button. You can call this to hide it and create your own style of button Enabler.setUseCustomClose(true); enjoy!
  7. right, I thought SVG too. Since I haven't mastered the sprite sheet SVG usage, yet, we are either doing inline or calling an external SVG or 64 bit http://codepen.io/collection/nxKWpW/ We are slowly building this set of snippets that work excellent in CSS. I obviously need a break, I'll be back in 30 if your still around I'll show you what I've been up to.
  8. I got ahead of myself and did look at caniuse works great in Chrome...but noone else likes it (FF, IE, Safari) I havea backup plan but I was wondering if anyone had an idea on how to create a slant like object like this. Using the GSAP lib (Works in Chrome only) http://codepen.io/SnapToPixels/pen/LVwadW?editors=110 Do I simply make a rect at the bottom and rotate it slightly, enough so it appears to be a slant but the overflow hidden would cove rit up? No polys? I've been up for a long time today...forgive the crazy Thanks - Patrick
  9. Thanks Diaco, thats exactly what I was trying to do. I still haven't wrapped my head around immediateRender. Thanks again guys...love this forum!
  10. right, I haven't used immediateRender a lot. I'm going to practice more now. I will post a new version back soon. I might need one more explanation. Thanks Rodrigo!
  11. my brain must be fried, I cant get this tween to work they way I want. its a simple row of dots that tweens from left to right and fades out. I need to be able to reposition the div holder and replay the same tween. You'll see that in my codepen the tween works the first time around but when I uncomment the other lines the dots dont tween the same way as the first time...I can't see what I am doing wrong. I need to step away and hope someone here can give me some clarity on where I am going wrong. Thanks for the help everyone Patrick
  12. This works with one Tweened element. force3D:false doesn't always work on that element if it's part of a TimelineLite sequence. Depending on the device I get mixed results.
  13. I am simply experimenting with different build scenarios When I had a bitmap that needs to be scaled I would use that trick but in SVG's case I would think it wouldn't ma e a difference. Isn't SVG suppose to scale and look that same regardless For example, I have these 2, where large is 800% larger in Illustrator https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/50628/map-pin.svg https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/50628/map-pin-large.svg They both do the same thing when you transform. At this point I think I'm at the mercy of the browser. I might go back to PNG for now. I also noticed that SVG can be more processor intensive at times. It's like scaling too many vectors in Flash...I can see now why cacheAsBitmap was invented
  14. Have you tried using fromTo ? That might help with your scenario Try this http://codepen.io/SnapToPixels/pen/e55a53b7b6ff6a0333b07b31ef01f44f
  15. yes, it is. On desktop chrome its not as obvious as an iPhone 5 safari or chrome. My question still stands Is there a way to avoid this blur and still achieve the same transform effect? Thanks
  16. Hey guys, when I use a transform like rotationY on an SVG element it appears to blur slightly. It's more obvious on retina screens. is there a way to avoid this blur and still achieve the same transform effect? Thanks!
  17. WOW! This looks excellent! I have only heard of Babel and Traceur but just haven't had time to investigate. I always wondered what the Traceur option was for in CodePen Thanks a lot for sharing this. Perfect timing for the weekend to do some code play. I really appreciate you taking the time to share. This really looks like something I could work with. Quite readable... Very cool I hear so much about Typescript too. In fact, there is a thread on the Flash Pro PreRelease forum about Typescript and the Flash Pro IDE. Someone even included a Typescript definition for the WebGL runtime API in Flash Pro! Wild! It's hard to keep up with all this stuff! Thanks again. I'll be in touch soon - Patrick
  18. That snippet is from a much larger block of code, I didn't even realize that the vars weren't there. We totally use the TextPlugin to animate too, we use several plugins...I love it. I just read an article on ES6 this morning...that can't come soon enough! Do you share on Github? I'd be interested in seeing what you are doing, perhaps contributing where I can. Thanks! - Patrick
  19. ultimately yes. I am currently working on a JS project and I found myself rewriting things for future re use. I am very much still learning JS and how to write better re usable code. When I wrote this snippet I realized special characters show up all the time especially with super/sub script and more! I am on a mission to make it easier!
  20. no, I just don't like my solution... I was hoping to make it a bit more modular. I'm being a bit of a baby but I am trying to make some code modules that use only GSAP to style the CSS I might be hitting a wall which so I wanted to see if anyone else cared to check it out too.
  21. I updated my code slightly but its still not the greatest solution. Anyone out there care to take a stab? Thanks
  22. Hey guys, so I ran into my first 'pure js' issue I am creating my dynamic text areas and styling them with GSAP...it's awesome. When I need to start styling things differently within that div things get tricky. I had a similar problem in AS3 and I built a font styling injection class to deal with sup/sub bold etc. Anyways, this example I have "works", I just wanted to get an opinion and see if there is a better way. Thanks - Patrick
  23. I would love to just start using Typescript but I have never looked at it other than a video here and there. It does look a lot like AS3 which is a big plus for me. I'll put it on my list of things to learn. Thanks for the tips! - Patrick
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