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Everything posted by darren

  1. Hi guys, I have found a fix to my problem. Anybody else suffering may be able to find this useful. Setting the MovieClip.transform.matrix3D to null will remove all settings. In my case this is perfect as my animation is going from a rotation & z setting and tweening to 0 - as in the apple mac cover flow animation. Anyways, i adjusted my tweenlite to: TweenLight.to(myClip, 0.5, {x:400, z:0, rotationY:0, alpha:1, onComplete:setZero, onCompleteParams:[cover]}); then in setZero i get the current x & y positions as they will be cleared as soon as martix3D is set to null, then re-apply them after nulling the matrix private function setZero(cover:Sprite):void{ var currentX = cover.x; var currentY = cover.y; cover.transform.matrix3D = null; cover.x = currentX; cover.y = currentY; } might help others with a similar prob regards
  2. Hi all, I am wondering if anybody can help out with an issue I am having. I am using TweenLite to tween a movieclip though x, z and rotationY however, the moment i use either the z or rotationY the movieclip becomes really blurry. I understand that it may be Flash doing this by treating it as a bitmap (not sure??) - though either way, is there a way to increase the quality or prevent this from happening?? You can try it yourself by: 1) add a movieclip to the stage, call it myClip (perhaps use a circle as this will demo the problem very well 2) add some tweening - TweenLite.to(myClip, 0.5, {z:0, delay:2}); --- I have set the z to zero here to demonstrate you don't actually need to tween it for the blur to happen - it occurs the moment anything is set with Z. the Delay will allow you to see the movieclip go from a crisp vector to a crappy blur. so, any ideas? am i being daft here and missing something obvious? any help would be great. Thanks in advance. D
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