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Everything posted by RobyEvo

  1. Hi @Jonathan Thank you for your reply. Css rule plugin is exactly what i was looking for. Unfortunately if i declare a rule in css like .selector:after, I can't use a different, but more specific target such as #myDiv .selector:after. I will use a simple tween and append to my element a div/span. Thank you all for help!
  2. Hi @mikel, Thank you for your reply! The over effect on list item was only a simple example, i don't need to create the same effect, but i only want to know if is possibile to get the same results working with pseudo elements :after or :before. Hope i explain what i need, Thank you!
  3. Hi, I need to animate the pseudo element of a specific target. For example if i have an unorder list, on mouseover of a single list item, i want to animate its pseudo element without affecting other list item. In the codepen below, for example, i would like to show the red line over the <li> only on mouseover. I've tried using cssrule plugin, but it affects all <li> item. Anyone can help me? Thank you!
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