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  1. hello, If someone is interested, this is what I could achieve: http://www.framestorm.tv/user/saisa/ Thanks public class BodyUI extends Sprite implements IResizable { //Main vars public static var _instance:BodyUI; public var bg:Sprite; private var _parent:Sprite; //Home Main Buttons private var mainHomeButton:HomeButton; private var pointer:Pointer; private var mainButtonsNum:Number = 4; private var buttonWidth:Number; private var mainButtonsArr:Array = new Array(); private var mainButtonsCreated:Boolean = false; private var buttonColors:Array = new Array(0xFFFF00, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF, 0xFF00FF); private var shrink:Number; private var growthFactor:Number = 0.40; private var scaleFactor:Number = 1 + growthFactor; //Size vars private var w:Number; private var h:Number; public function BodyUI(p:Sprite) { //FlashConnect.trace(""+p); _parent = p; bg = new BodyBG (); addChild (bg); //Create main buttons for (var x:Number = 0; x < mainButtonsNum; x++) { mainHomeButton = new HomeButton(); pointer = new Pointer(); mainHomeButton.id = x + 1; mainHomeButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, overButtonEvent); mainHomeButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, outButtonEvent); TweenLite.to(mainHomeButton, 0, { tint:buttonColors[x] } ); mainHomeButton.alpha = 0.5; mainButtonsArr.push(mainHomeButton); } } public static function getInstance (p:Sprite):BodyUI { if (_instance == null) _instance = new BodyUI (p); return _instance; } public function setSize(w:Number, h:Number):void { bg.width = w; bg.height = h; this.w = w; this.h = h; buttonWidth = w / mainButtonsNum; placeMainButtons(); } private function placeMainButtons():void { for (var x:Number = 0; x < mainButtonsArr.length; x++) { //Global to local var _target:HomeButton = mainButtonsArr[x]; //Set size and xy positions _target.setSize(buttonWidth, h); _target.x = (buttonWidth * x) + buttonWidth/2; _target.y = h/2; addChild(_target); } //addChild(pointer); } private function overButtonEvent(e:MouseEvent):void { var _tar:Object = e.currentTarget; var _id:Number = _tar.id; //check if its the first button if (_id == 1) { //Launching the function indicating that the first button is targeted. organicButtonsMov("first",_tar) } if (_id > 1 && _id < mainButtonsNum) { //Launching the function indicating that one buttonween buttons was targeted. organicButtonsMov("between",_tar) } if (_id == mainButtonsNum) { //Launching the function indicating that the lastone button was targeted. organicButtonsMov("last",_tar) } } private function outButtonEvent(e:MouseEvent):void { var _tar:Object = e.currentTarget; var _id:Number = _tar.id; //add a tween for (var x:Number = 0; x < mainButtonsArr.length; x++) { var _w:Number = w / mainButtonsNum; var _w2:Number = (_w * x) + _w/2; TweenLite.to(mainButtonsArr[x], 1, {x:_w2,scaleX:1, ease:Elastic.easeOut} ); } } private function organicButtonsMov(which:String,tar:Object):void { var _tar:Object = tar var _id:Number = _tar.id; //Lateral amount of pixels to move var lateralMov:Number; //the newWidth of the targeted button var newWidth:Number; //The new area width available for the others buttons var newArea:Number; //the newWidth for the shrunk button var newShrunkWide:Number; //To know how much we have to shrink each button var shrinkFactor:Number; var xPos:Number; var ini:Number; var shrunkButtonsXPos:Number; var counter1:Number; var counter2:Number; var counter3:Number; var myTween:TweenLite; switch(which) { case "first": newArea = w - (buttonWidth + (buttonWidth * growthFactor)); newShrunkWide = newArea / (mainButtonsNum - 1); shrinkFactor = (1 - (growthFactor / (mainButtonsNum - 1))); lateralMov = buttonWidth * growthFactor / 2; newWidth = buttonWidth + (buttonWidth * growthFactor); //To count each time a shrunk button is transform counter1 = 0; //Loop over the buttons array for (var x:Number = 0; x < mainButtonsArr.length; x++) { //Check if it is the targeted button or not if (mainButtonsArr[x].id != _id) { //If not, shrink the button //The 0 point of the new area once the first button have growth ini = newWidth + (newShrunkWide / 2); //The new position of the shrunk buttons shrunkButtonsXPos = ini + (newShrunkWide * counter1); //Add 1 to the counter counter1 ++; TweenLite.to(mainButtonsArr[x], 1, { x:shrunkButtonsXPos, width:newShrunkWide, ease:Elastic.easeOut } ); }else { //If it is, transform the wide of the button //The new xpos for the targeted button xPos = buttonWidth/2 + lateralMov; TweenLite.to(_tar, 1, { scaleX:scaleFactor, x: xPos, ease:Elastic.easeOut } ); } } break; case "between": //To count each time a shrunk button is transform counter2 = 0; counter3 = 0; for (var y:Number = 0; y < mainButtonsNum; y++) { var temp:Object = mainButtonsArr[y]; if (temp.id < _id) { newArea = _tar.x - ((buttonWidth + (buttonWidth * growthFactor)) / 2); ini = 0; newShrunkWide = newArea / (_id - 1); //FlashConnect.trace("newShrunkWide: " + (_id - 1)); shrunkButtonsXPos = (newShrunkWide * counter2) + (newShrunkWide/2); TweenLite.to(temp, 1, { x:shrunkButtonsXPos, width:newShrunkWide, ease:Elastic.easeOut } ); counter2++; } if (temp.id == _id) { TweenLite.to(temp, 1, {scaleX:scaleFactor, ease:Elastic.easeOut } ); } if (temp.id >_id) { newArea = w - (_tar.x + (buttonWidth + (buttonWidth*growthFactor))/2); newShrunkWide = newArea / (mainButtonsNum - _id); ini = _tar.x + (buttonWidth + (buttonWidth*growthFactor))/2; shrunkButtonsXPos = ini + ((newShrunkWide*counter3)+newShrunkWide/2); //pointer.x = ini; //pointer.y = temp.y - temp.height / 2; TweenLite.to(temp, 1, { x:shrunkButtonsXPos, width:newShrunkWide, ease:Elastic.easeOut } ); counter3++; } } break; case "last": newArea = w - (buttonWidth + (buttonWidth * growthFactor)); newShrunkWide = newArea / (mainButtonsNum - 1); shrinkFactor = (1 - (growthFactor / (mainButtonsNum - 1))); lateralMov = buttonWidth * growthFactor / 2; newWidth = buttonWidth + (buttonWidth * growthFactor); //To count each time a shrunk button is transform counter3 = 0; //Loop over the buttons array for (var z:Number = 0; z < mainButtonsArr.length; z++) { //Check if it is the targeted button or not if (mainButtonsArr[z].id != _id) { //If not, shrink the button //The 0 point of the new area once the first button have growth ini = newShrunkWide/2; //The new position of the shrunk buttons shrunkButtonsXPos = ini + (newShrunkWide * counter3); //Add 1 to the counter //pointer.x = ini; //pointer.y = temp.y - temp.height / 2; TweenLite.to(mainButtonsArr[z], 1, { x:shrunkButtonsXPos, width:newShrunkWide, ease:Elastic.easeOut } ); counter3 ++; }else { //If it is, transform the wide of the button //The new xpos for the targeted button xPos = (w-buttonWidth/2) - lateralMov; TweenLite.to(_tar, 1, { scaleX:scaleFactor, x: xPos, ease:Elastic.easeOut} ); } } break; } } } }
  2. I got it. Now i am fighting on how the "neighbors" react to the grow of the targeted button. Thanks.
  3. I found something that could help me to achieve it, it's seems too complex but it give me an idea about how to do what i want: http://asluv.com/2007/09/26/liquid-very-liquid-navigation-as3-experiment/
  4. Thanks for your answer! You are right, my question is very general, i ask in the forum because maybe others readers did something similar in the past. The squares will be arranged Side-by-side vertically, without space between boxes and when the targeted box increase its wide, the others contract to let space. My problem is how can I make it looks liquid or organic. I already have the layout and It does the same movement but without "organic" look, I have a linear animation. Thanks a lot
  5. Hi there, I am in a new project and I would like to display in the home an organic menu. My idea is to have four big squares as buttons, each one with a diferent color, and if you put your mouse over one, this one will grow with a elastic movement, and the others will contract with the same elastic motion. Like fluids or liquids. Could any one put me on the way? how can I achive that? any ideas? Thanks very much for your time.
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