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Everything posted by webbersites

  1. Could you explain a little more or point me in the right direction for making sure I am using matrix3d() vs matrix() ?
  2. Jonathan, Thank you for that info. I removed the css transition, delayed the font resizing and shrunk down the pixel depth for the images on that page. This helped the performance and it's running much better! I may still code pen it out but for now I'm pretty happy with it. I added some deep linking with jquery.address which is coming together nicely. Thank you for your help!
  3. I have created a sliding portfolio gallery type of page and having the hardest time getting safari in particular to render smooth animations and scrollto's. I originally was using scrollmagic and tweenmax which was extremely choppy and could not be used, I re-wrote the page to use only Tweenmax and the ScrollToPlugin, it's much better now, but when I have the images visible, the page is still a bit choppy. I am wondering if there is anything I can do to up the performance. Link: http://melissamorgandesign.com/portfolio Here are the tweens that are going on, the trouble seems to be scaling the div/bgimage while scrolling with scrollto. Going horizontal also adds a wrinkle. TweenMax.to(window, 1.5, {scrollTo:{x:$("#div" + section).offset().left - 30}}); TweenMax.to("#div" + section, 1, {width:"60vw"}); TweenMax.to("#div" + section + " .subsection1", 0.2, {height:" 30vh", delay:0}); TweenMax.to("#div" + section + " .subsection2", 0.2, {height:" calc(70vh - 3.5vw)", delay:0}); TweenMax.to("#div" + section + " .subsection1 h2", 0.5, {fontSize: "48px",autoRound: true, delay:1}); TweenMax.to("#div" + section + " .subsection1 .portfolio-description", 0.5, {autoAlpha: 1, display:'block', delay:1}); TweenMax.to("#div" + section + " .next-jump", 0.5, {autoAlpha: 0, delay:.1}); Any thoughts for smoothing this out?
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