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Everything posted by vibhor4all

  1. Hi, I created a project using GSAP TimelineMax Plugin where the text on the left side slides in the original position from the left (kind of like fade in). var timeline = new TimelineMax(); timeline.from(".main-text-home-cta h2", 1, {x:-100, opacity:0},0) .from(".main-text-home-cta h4", 1, {x:-100, opacity:0},0) .from(".buttons-under-nested-rows", 1, {x:-100, opacity:0},0) .from(".devices-chat-picture", 1, {x:100, opacity:0}); The code above the code i used and added near the </body> tag and the TimelineMax and TweenMax JS files above the code. The problem i am facing is that when the page loads the text appears on the screen in its original position (the position it will after the animation completes) for few seconds (or till the time the page is loading) without animation and as soon as the page load is completed the animation starts. So I want to know whether this a problem with GSAP Plugin or I am doing something wrong. And also I want to know how to fix this so that while the page load nothinng will be shown in the view and after the page loads the animation will start. One more problem that I faced is that when the animation starts after the page load it is very slow and laggy (again I don't kow whose problem is this). Thanks.
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