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  1. Ah, how stupid am I. Of course you can do this: points.push({x:mouseX, y:mouseY}); Thanks man
  2. I guess you could do it with just appending Tweens like this: tl.append( TweenMax.to(mcToMove, 1, {bezierThrough:[{x: X, y: Y}], orientToBezier:true, ease:Linear.easeNone}) ); Is there a performance loss by doing it like this versus doing it in just one TweenMax.to line with all points being sent in at once?
  3. Basicaly come to think of it my idea is how Mr Greensock makes it in his example window here for beizer: http://www.greensock.com/tweenmax/ Where you can add "points" (which then displayes in the window output) and when you click "PLAY" it runs through them all in a sequence. Any ideas? Thanks
  4. Very very interesting approach. Never thought of appending the Tween to another Tween so to speak What if you want the user to pre-click all the controlpoints and when the user clicks (for example) "PLAY" have the MC run through them then? How would you store the points and send them in to the Tween? Thanks
  5. Hi I have a question regarding how I would go about to add properties for a beizerThrough tween dynamic? What I'm doing is to have the user click on the screen, the store mouseY+mouseX and have a movieclip run through the cordinates. But I don't get how I convert my stored points into the bezier format. I'm trying to use parseBeziers() but I can't seem to understand how I should send in multiple values for more points then one. Like how it actually works. I've tried: var bezierObj:Object = BezierPlugin.parseBeziers({"x":new Array(0, 100, 200, 300),"y":new Array(0, 140, 240, 340)},true); TweenMax.to(player, 10, {bezierThrough:[{"x":bezierObj.x,"y":bezierObj.y}]}); and: var bezierObj:Object = BezierPlugin.parseBeziers({"x":new Array(0),"y":new Array(340)},true) i've also tried sending in my stored array: var bezierObj:Object = BezierPlugin.parseBeziers({"x":$array_x,"y":$array_y}, true); Would you be able to help me with this? Thank you so much
  6. I just tried it and it works great. Sorry for wasting your time with such an easy matter
  7. So you mean I would do it like this?: TweenMax.to(ball, 5, {x: 500}); TweenMax.to(ball, 1, {delay: 1, autoAlpha: 0}); ... because I still want my ball to continue to x: 500. Reason I can't do it with two tweens after another is because maybe my first tween has some easing applied to it. I don't want to interupt the easing for the entire tween. Makes sense? Thanks for the help
  8. Can I add stuff to my tween that's already tweening? Example: Let's say I have a movieclip called "Ball" and I'm tweening it from x: 0 to x: 500 in 5 seconds. Can I somehow "add" on an autoAlpha: 0 after it's been tweening for 4 seconds so the last 1 second it'll autoAlpha to 0? Hope it makes sense. Thank you
  9. Hi I was wondering if someone had a good solution for scaling a movieclip proportional using width and height parameters instead of the scaleY, scaleX parameters? For example: I have a movieclip that's 500x400px. I can't it to be 300px wide MAX and then let the height proportional scale with, so it keeps it's ratio. ie. TweenMax.to(mc, 1, {width: 300, proportional: true}); Thanks
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