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Posts posted by alflasy

  1. Hi

    I have com folder in my root directory and I am accessing it in fla like this

    import com.greensock.*;

    but when I have a folder in my root directory and that folder have a fla with same above line then I get following error.


    Scene 1, Layer 'Layer 2', Frame 1, Line 1 1172: Definition com.greensock could not be found.


    So how can I access the greensocks classes from com folder which is in parent folder.



  2. Hi

    I have made a animation sequence with TimelineLite. Now I want to add sound to that animation which may need some sync. Can someone guide me how I can attach sound to timelineLite.



  3. This works for me be there are still some bugs

    function startOverFlow(mcName,v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9):TimelineMax{
    var temp:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax();
    temp.appendMultiple([new TweenMax(mcArr[0], 1, {x:mcArr[0].x-40,scaleY:v0,scaleX:v0,autoAlpha:v0,onStart:function(){
    										mcholder.setChildIndex(mcName, mcholder.numChildren - 1)}}),
    					 new TweenMax(mcArr[1], 1, {x:mcArr[1].x-40,scaleY:v1,scaleX:v1,autoAlpha:v1}),
    					 new TweenMax(mcArr[2], 1, {x:mcArr[2].x-40,scaleY:v2,scaleX:v2,autoAlpha:v2}),
    					 new TweenMax(mcArr[3], 1, {x:mcArr[3].x-40,scaleY:v3,scaleX:v3,autoAlpha:v3}),
    					 new TweenMax(mcArr[4], 1, {x:mcArr[4].x-40,scaleY:v4,scaleX:v4,autoAlpha:v4}),
    					 new TweenMax(mcArr[5], 1, {x:mcArr[5].x-40,scaleY:v5,scaleX:v5,autoAlpha:v5}),
    					 new TweenMax(mcArr[6], 1, {x:mcArr[6].x-40,scaleY:v6,scaleX:v6,autoAlpha:v6}),
    					 new TweenMax(mcArr[7], 1, {x:mcArr[7].x-40,scaleY:v7,scaleX:v7,autoAlpha:v7}),
    					 new TweenMax(mcArr[8], 1, {x:mcArr[8].x-40,scaleY:v8,scaleX:v8,autoAlpha:v8})])
    return temp;


    In this line

    new TweenMax(mcArr[1], 1, {x:mcArr[1].x-40,scaleY:v1,scaleX:v1,autoAlpha:v1}),

    x:mcArr[1].x-40 is not updated. Looks like its not getting the updated position of all movies mcArr[1].x


    Hope explain it right.

  4. Hi

    I am trying to add tweens from function to timeline and it works fime when it plays but breaks when its reversed. Below is my code.


    function startOverFlow(mcName,mcName2,v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8) {
    cfholder.setChildIndex(mcName, cfholder.numChildren - 1);
    for(var d=0;d<9;d++){
    	new TweenMax(cfTArr[d], 1, {autoAlpha:0})
    new TweenMax(cfArr[0], 1, {x:cfArr[0].x-40,scaleY:v0,scaleX:v0,autoAlpha:v0}),
    new TweenMax(cfArr[1], 1, {x:cfArr[1].x-40,scaleY:v1,scaleX:v1,autoAlpha:v1}),
    new TweenMax(cfArr[2], 1, {x:cfArr[2].x-40,scaleY:v2,scaleX:v2,autoAlpha:v2}),
    new TweenMax(cfArr[3], 1, {x:cfArr[3].x-40,scaleY:v3,scaleX:v3,autoAlpha:v3}),
    new TweenMax(cfArr[4], 1, {x:cfArr[4].x-40,scaleY:v4,scaleX:v4,autoAlpha:v4}),
    new TweenMax(cfArr[5], 1, {x:cfArr[5].x-40,scaleY:v5,scaleX:v5,autoAlpha:v5}),
    new TweenMax(cfArr[6], 1, {x:cfArr[6].x-40,scaleY:v6,scaleX:v6,autoAlpha:v6}),
    new TweenMax(cfArr[7], 1, {x:cfArr[7].x-40,scaleY:v7,scaleX:v7,autoAlpha:v7}),
    new TweenMax(cfArr[8], 1, {x:cfArr[8].x-40,scaleY:v8,scaleX:v8,autoAlpha:v8}),
    new TweenMax(mcName2, 1, {autoAlpha:1})
    // ]) 
    timeline.appendMultiple([new TweenMax(cfArr[7], 1, {onStart:startOverFlow,onStartParams:[cfArr[7],cfTArr[7],.3,.4,.5,.6,.7,.8,.9,1,.9]})],2);
    timeline.appendMultiple([new TweenMax(cfArr[6], 1, {onStart:startOverFlow,onStartParams:[cfArr[6],cfTArr[6],.4,.5,.6,.7,.8,.9,1,.9,.8]})],1);
    timeline.appendMultiple([new TweenMax(cfArr[5], 1, {onStart:startOverFlow,onStartParams:[cfArr[5],cfTArr[5],.5,.6,.7,.8,.9,1,.9,.8,.7]})],1);
    timeline.appendMultiple([new TweenMax(cfArr[4], 1, {onStart:startOverFlow,onStartParams:[cfArr[4],cfTArr[4],.6,.7,.8,.9,1,.9,.8,.7,.6]})],1);
    timeline.appendMultiple([new TweenMax(cfArr[3], 1, {onStart:startOverFlow,onStartParams:[cfArr[3],cfTArr[3],.7,.8,.9,1,.9,.8,.7,.6,.5]})],1);
    timeline.appendMultiple([new TweenMax(cfArr[2], 1, {onStart:startOverFlow,onStartParams:[cfArr[2],cfTArr[2],.8,.9,1,.9,.8,.7,.6,.5,.4]})],1);
    timeline.appendMultiple([new TweenMax(cfArr[1], 1, {onStart:startOverFlow,onStartParams:[cfArr[1],cfTArr[1],.9,1,.9,.8,.7,.6,.5,.4,.3]})],1);
    timeline.appendMultiple([new TweenMax(cfArr[0], 1, {onStart:startOverFlow,onStartParams:[cfArr[0],cfTArr[0],1,.9,.8,.7,.6,.5,.4,.3,.2]})],1);


    any idea.



  5. Hi,

    I am back here looking for some info about how to move movieclip on a path. I looked at the motionPath plugin but can't make the simple example given in documentation work.


    Do I need to create some object library to get this code work. I tried but still failed.


    import com.greensock.*;
    import com.greensock.plugins.*;
    import com.greensock.motionPaths.*;
    TweenPlugin.activate([Circle2DPlugin]); //only needed once in your swf, and only if you plan to use the circle2D tweening feature for convenience
    //create a circle motion path at coordinates x:150, y:150 with a radius of 100
    var circle:Circle2D = new Circle2D(150, 150, 100);
    //tween mc along the path from the bottom (90 degrees) to 315 degrees in the counter-clockwise direction and make an extra revolution
    TweenLite.to(mc, 3, {circle2D:{path:circle, startAngle:90, endAngle:315, direction:Direction.COUNTER_CLOCKWISE, extraRevolutions:1}});
    //tween the circle's rotation, scaleX, scaleY, x, and y properties:
    TweenLite.to(circle, 3, {rotation:180, scaleX:0.5, scaleY:2, x:250, y:200});
    //show the path visually by adding it to the display list (optional)
    //--- Instead of using the plugin, you could manually manage followers and tween their "progress" property...
    //make the MovieClip "mc2" follow the circle and start at a position of 90 degrees (this returns a PathFollower instance)
    var follower:PathFollower = circle.addFollower(mc2, circle.angleToProgress(90));
    //tween the follower clockwise along the path to 315 degrees
    TweenLite.to(follower, 2, {progress:circle.followerTween(follower, 315, Direction.CLOCKWISE)});
    //tween the follower counter-clockwise to 200 degrees and add an extra revolution
    TweenLite.to(follower, 2, {progress:circle.followerTween(follower, 200, Direction.COUNTER_CLOCKWISE, 1)});


    Help appreciated.

  6. Thanks you greensock, I sure you code is right but I can't get it to work. Below is my onPress event code on scruber which start draging.


    scrubber.onPress = function() {
    TweenLite.to(timeline, 0.5, {currentTime:4, ease:Strong.easeOut});
    //this.onMouseMove = function(){


    if I uncomment onMoseMove then it works fine but no easing. Any suggestion please.


    Thank you

  7. Hi

    I have simple timeline with few images in it and I am scrolling the timeline front and back with scrubber. works great. But I want to add easing on it. Here is the code that moves the timeline while scrubbing




    Is t possible to do it. Please let me know.


    Thank you

  8. Here is the simple script that I am working. Not sure why onComplete event is not called. Any idea please.

    import com.greensock.TweenLite;
    import com.greensock.TimelineLite;
    import com.greensock.easing.*;
    var timeline:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite();
    var timeline2:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite();
    var timeline3:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite();
    timeline2.append( new TweenLite(mc, 1, {_x:400, ease:Circ.easeOut,onComplete:addMovie}) );
    timeline3.append( new TweenLite(mc.mc2, 1, {_alpha:50, ease:Circ.easeOut}) );
    timeline.appendMultiple([timeline2, timeline3]);
    scrubber.onPress = function() {
    this.onMouseMove = function(){
    scrubber.onRelease = function() {
    // addMovie()
    function addMovie(){
     trace( mc.mc2)
    timeline2.append( new TweenLite(mc4, 1, {_x:400, ease:Circ.easeOut}) );


    Thank you

  9. Alright, I have attach a zip with fla. Its has dynamic text typing effect and I want to know if that can added to timeline and play reversed If not then is there any other way or workaround.


    Thank you

  10. Thank you Greensock for your reply. I got the first part but not sure about the Type text effect. I planning to start a Instructional flash demo in which has user interactivity with dynamic type text effect and also need a scrubber that user can go front and back just like Captivate. i have been doing this on timeline animation which is painful and when I saw you timelineLite and timelineMax, I was very excited to use in my next project. But its rising lot of question when everything is dynamic.

    I'll attached a fla soon which I am using as dynamic text type effect and if possible you tell if that can be added to timelineLite/Max to show play forward and reverse effect.


    Thank you once again

  11. Hi

    Is it possible to add or remove movie on timeline in Timelinelite/max. So that when I scrub the slider then a movie is added in timeline at some duration and its removed when scrubber is at the same duration?


    Also, Is it possible show a dynamic typing text effect with reverse effect with Timelinelite/Max?


    If yes, then please give some hint how to do that.


    Thank you

  12. Hi, I am very new here and planning to switch from Tweener to Tweenlight/Max.

    My first project is with Timeline Lite and I want to build a scrubber. Jack from Greensock advised me that a scrubber can be built using currentTime property. I need some starter code to get started. It would be nice if someone can help me.


    Thank you

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