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Everything posted by linhaiforest

  1. Hello everyone, How to get all the currently defined greensock animation objects? I need to find the TimelineLite object through a variable, so I need to find all the TimelineLite animation object collection, and then use the function return。 Thank you all~
  2. autoAlpha is ok!! and can almost fix this problem. But nothing to do with background-color:transparent , I tried,there is not a color, but hollowed out, showing the page the most primitive (body) background color CSS property filter: inherit It seems no effect, Codepen i like it, but it does not support ie8, so there's no way to go there for example. thank!!!! you are all very worthy of respect!
  3. I want to be crazy, this issue and GSAP little relationship, but when doing animation, because it is compatible with damn IE8 !!! The code is as follows, the parent element set the transparency of 100, sub-elements If you set the transparency 0, and is a block element, and positioning to the picture above, then ie8 will show a broken element, this element background color and body the same background <div class="box"> <div class="position"> <span class="txt">some text..</span> </div> <img src="images/s1.jpg"> </div> <style> body{ background-color:#000; } .box{ position:relative; /*Must be set because the simulated gasp appears from 0 transparency (final 100)*/ opacity:100; filter:alpha(opacity=100); } .position{ /*Need to position the text on the picture*/ position:absolute; left:50px; top:50px; } .position .txt{ /*Need to hide waiting for the animation to show up,Float is because the need for block-level elements can be transparent*/ float:left; opacity:0; filter:alpha(opacity=0); } </style> Screenshot: Masters, how can i do? thx++++++...
  4. Um um Thanks, ask this question before I tried CSS3Pie, but very many questions
  5. very sad. Because the boss requires ..Orz Old version of the win7 users, the original is ie8 . I am very, very hated IE.. anyway , thank you all !
  6. thank I know that, but CSSPlugin Is that support ie? Such as "opacity", "transform" these, itself does not support ie8, but in GASP get support, why "borderRadius" does not support
  7. Hello everyone, I am a Chinese guy, English is not very good, this is Google translation, please forgive .. I'm doing something small and need to support ie8,Then find a problem,Here is the simplified code: <script src="js/greensock/TweenMax.min.js"></script> <script> TweenMax.set(".control input",{ borderRadius:5}); </script> <div class="control"> <input type="button" id="playBtn" value="play"> <input type="button" id="pauseBtn" value="pause"> <input type="button" id="resumeBtn" value="resume"> <input type="button" id="restartBtn" value="restart"> </div> I use virtual machine test, ie8 borderRadius no effect,Am I wrong? thank !
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