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  1. Giannis

    GSAP & popState

    Greetings to all, I came across a fade out & in between pages tutorial using pushState (https://inkplant.com/code/fade-out). The code used is as follows: function fancy_nav(new_url,new_title) { window.new_url = new_url; window.new_title = new_title; var animationOutTl = new TimelineLite({onComplete:change_content}); animationOutTl .to.... .to....; } function change_content() { source_url = window.new_url; $.ajax(source_url).done(function(data) { $('body').html(data); history.pushState(null, window.new_title, window.new_url); document.title = window.new_title; var animationInTl = new TimelineLite(); animationInTl .to.... .to....; }); return true; } What I can't get around, is how to set the popState to reverse the animations (animationOutTl & animationInTl) when the browser back button is clicked. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time
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