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Everything posted by chuckndestroy

  1. I appreciate you taking the time to just advise me with what I can do! I wouldn't expect you to rewrite my code, but I've noticed it's not out of the ordinary for you to help anyone with any problems. Thank you sir! Charlie
  2. So I would like to say thank you for creating TweenLite/Max. I'm awe-inspired right now at how quick I pretty much re-did my test to make a sample for you to look at. It was only thirty minutes, and there it was. I compressed the file because the forum wouldn't let me attach just the .fla file. About how I am trying to make the buttons and everything display, when you first roll over the "test" button, the submenu drops with the buttons that exist for that section. If I were to move the mouse over to "test1" I want the "test" MC to finish instead of waiting for me to mouse out of the submenu bar. Same for "test2". What happens right now is I'll mouse over "test" and then "test1" and the mc for "test" just stays. It doesn't retreat back up even though I have implemented the killTweensOf and OverwriteManager.init(2)/(5). I tried both AUTO and PREEXISTING. Couldn't get it to work in the manner I wanted it too. Also, and this may be because I haven't looked into it yet, but when I mouse over the submenu button, the MC will begin to retreat back up because I no longer have the mouse on the submenu. That may just be a TimelineLite gotoAndStop() instance. I'm gonna look into it tomorrow when I wake up. And I hear ya about being sleep deprived! My sleep schedule right now is hit the hay at dawn, and wake up at 2 in the afternoon. I appreciate your time.
  3. New to the forum, and I tried to find if someone else had my problem but doesn't seem so. I am building a pretty simple site for myself. Something similar to THIS. Where I am getting hung up is trying to implement the killTweensOf via TweenMax or TimelineLite/Max. I saw a post about doing it through an array, but that didn't do it either. On that example site, when you move from one button to another, the other disappears. On my .fla I have it set-up a little different, but same concept. If someone that understands TweenLite/Max could help shed some light for me, that would be marvellous! To keep ya from being blind, here's the part of my code I'm perplexed with. test_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, overHandler); function overHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { TweenMax.to(booger2_mc, .5, {bezier:[{x:263.2, y:89.5}], ease:Expo.easeOut}); TweenMax.to(dropdown_mc, 1, {bezier:[{x:0, y:134.2}], ease:Bounce.easeOut}); } test1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, overHandler1); function overHandler1(event:MouseEvent):void { TweenMax.to(booger1_mc, .5, {bezier:[{x:361, y:89.5}], ease:Expo.easeOut}); TweenMax.to(dropdown_mc, 1, {bezier:[{x:0, y:134.2}], ease:Bounce.easeOut}); } test2_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, overHandler2); function overHandler2(event:MouseEvent):void { TweenMax.to(booger3_mc, .5, {bezier:[{x:462.2, y:89.5}], ease:Expo.easeOut}); TweenMax.to(dropdown_mc, 1, {bezier:[{x:0, y:134.2}], ease:Bounce.easeOut}); } dropdown_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, outHandler); function outHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { TweenMax.to(booger3_mc, .6, {bezier:[{x:462.2, y:50.5}], ease:Expo.easeIn}); TweenMax.to(booger2_mc, .6, {bezier:[{x:263.2, y:50.5}], ease:Expo.easeIn}); TweenMax.to(booger1_mc, .6, {bezier:[{x:361, y:50.5}], ease:Expo.easeIn}); TweenMax.to(dropdown_mc, .93, {bezier:[{x:0, y:91.2}], ease:Expo.easeIn}); } Each _btn has a small bit of code internally making it a MC button. Just so it'll change color when moused over and that's partly why I'm trying to kill it when mousing over one of the other buttons. Thank you in advance, Charlie
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