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Everything posted by blitz2061

  1. Hey Jack - Thanks for the feedback. I've done a lot of research, and learned a bunch through the process - but the attrPlugin still is not working on my end, all things held equal between the Codepen and the React app itself. Perhaps this is an issue with the node module?
  2. One more file - https://codepen.io/anon/pen/aWLdva This is using FindDOMNodes - and I receive no error message - but animation does not work.
  3. Also: My console error code is: bundle.js:43 Uncaught Cannot tween a null target
  4. Thanks for the quick responses! Top of the line support - especially for a non-customer (may become one soon!), Here is a working codepen. I am not using FindDOMNode to target the refs, but rather locating the SVG elements based on the ID. I didn't know how to bring FindDOMNode into codepen (would love to learn!). It works absolutely fine here, but fails to work in my application. I have provided my component for reference as well (stripping out a lot of unnecessary elements). Not working, just a copy paste job. Ultimately, I would like to accomplish two things: 1) Get the animations working 2) Use FindDOMNode to target the refs. Let me know of any questions!
  5. Thanks for the response! How can I go about importing GSAP into Codepen?
  6. Hello - I've been working on getting attr: to work with my React app, but to no avail. I am simply trying to translate the location of an object. Using to and manually setting the x and y values works. This might have something to do with the virtual DOM, but not entirely sure. Has anyone else run into this or was successful in making this work? Code for clarity, in componentDidMount(): setTimeout(() => { var tl = new TimelineMax() const right_arm = findDOMNode(this.refs.right_arm) tl.to(right_arm, 2, { attr:{d:"M 286,61 485,61"}}, 1) }, 2000) Thanks in advance!
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