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  1. No, that was fantastic! Got it in one. You have pulled my bacon off the fire once again. Thanks.
  2. Hmm. That does explain some things. lol, I got around the immediate render problems early on by appending everything I wanted in in the timeline and then setting currentProgress to .99, then restarting, then pausing, so that my timelines are cued up to play when user input dictates. Pretty ghetto, but it did the trick. Still fuzzy on some things, however. So what's up with those first zero-duration tweens in TimelineMax? I've run traces at different tweens in that timeline, and have a button that restart()'s the timeline to play it. What I see is that because of my currentProgress trick, the tweens go ahead and do their onComplete traces as soon as the timeline is created. But the traces on those first zero-duration tweens don't fire off ever again, no matter how many times I hit the button, but later zero-duration ones do. So I'm assuming that they aren't being seen or rendered with the restarts. But why would that be? Doesnt restart() go back to the start of the timeline. I tried play() instead of restart() and I think flash didn't like that very much. I know I'm missing something really big, but I've got no clue what it might be. I'll throw together a stripped-down fla manana and maybe that will shed more light. Great video, btw. Took me back to my college days watching zillions of Digital Tutors videos, heh. Also, apologies for premature use of the "B" word. I'm sure its gets old when every third noob misunderstands something and immediately cries "bug!".
  3. I've been having persistent issues working with TimelineMax. Up until yesterday it was woorking like a charm, it's really great. But now I'm having issues with code that worked fine yestrday morning. I'm doing a project which plays back canned animations I scripted in TimelineMax. The problems have cropped up all at the beginnings of timelines. I start out a canned sequence setting declaring some initial values, like so: ani2_TL.append( TweenMax.to(ani2.electron1, 0, {alpha: 0}) ); ani2_TL.append( TweenMax.to(ani2.electron2, 0, {alpha: 0}) ); ani2_TL.append( TweenMax.to(ani2.labelPh, 0, {alpha: 0}) ); ani2_TL.append( TweenMax.to(ani2.lineRe, 0, {alpha: 0}) ) ani2_TL.append( TweenMax.to(ani2.lineEm, 0, {alpha: 0}) ) ani2_TL.appendMultiple( TweenMax.allTo( [ani2.labelEx, ani2.labelPh, ani2.labelRe, ani2.labelFl], 0, {alpha: 0}) ); (Yes, yes, I know I can pack those top five lines into an appendMultiple, but I've got my reasons ) Then I tack on the actual animation stuff like so: ani2_TL.append( TweenMax.to(ani2, .25, {alpha: 1}) ); ani2_TL.appendMultiple( [ TweenMax.to(ani2.photonAni1, .35, {frame: 60, delay: .75, startAt:{frame: 0, alpha: 1}}), TweenMax.to(ani2.labelPh, .1, {alpha: 1, delay: .75}), TweenMax.to(ani2.labelPh, 0, {alpha: 0, delay: 1.1}) ] ); ani2_TL.appendMultiple( [ TweenMax.to(ani2.electron1, .25, {y: 154, startAt:{y: 282, x: 23}}) , TweenMax.to(ani2.maskEx, .25, {y: 154, startAt:{y: 282}}) ] ); ani2_TL.appendMultiple( TweenMax.allTo( [ani2.electron2, ani2.labelEx], 0, {alpha: 1}) ); ani2_TL.appendMultiple( [ TweenMax.to(ani2.photonAni2, .35, {frame:60, startAt:{frame: 0, alpha: 1}}), TweenMax.to(ani2.labelPh, 0, {alpha: 1, y: 88}), TweenMax.to(ani2.labelPh, 0, {alpha: 0, delay: .35}) ] ); ani2_TL.appendMultiple( [ TweenMax.to(ani2.electron1, .25, {y: 0}) , TweenMax.to(ani2.maskEx, .25, {y: 0}) ] ); ani2_TL.appendMultiple( [ TweenMax.to(ani2.maskRe, 0, {y: 2, x: 25}), TweenMax.to(ani2.labelEx, 0, {alpha: 0}), TweenMax.to(ani2.labelRe, 0, {alpha: 1}) ] ); ani2_TL.append( TweenMax.to(ani2.lineRe, 0, {alpha: 1}) ); ani2_TL.append( TweenMax.to(ani2.maskEx, 0, {y: -10}) ) And this all works fine. Everything that needs to be invisible is invisible. Except for one. One of the movieclips in that appendMultiple on the 5th line - ani2.labelPh. It is visible at the outset when I let the timeline play through even though I've specifically told it have an alpha of 0. I wrestled all day with another animation sequence yesterday in which several masks decided not to be in the places I told them to be. I've gone through and checked to make sure that I didn't screw anything up. I've been lucky thus far to have been able to work around those problems (alpha:0 things which should'nt have shown beacuse the mask was supposed to be a mile away) but now I'm stuck and frustrated. I realize this is probably very scant info to go on, so just let me know what more would be needed to figure this out and I'll provide. Thanks so much. Despite the setbacks, the platform is still great.
  4. I have a project where I'm calling canned animations I constructed in TimelineMax. I couldn't have done the project all in script this way with out TimelineMax, it rocks. The one thing I'm wondering about is that I have one animation in there that is conditional. That is, the new y-value of a ball on screen needs to change via slider control each time the timeline runs. So I'm TweenMaxing the ball in the y-direction based on a slider's position. Am I right in concluding that if I append that TweenMax into a TimelineMax, the y-value of that TweenMax is now static - I can't get at it? Here's an example of what I tried: myTimeline.append( TweenMax.to(mcBall, 1, {y: sliderPosition}) ) And from what I can tell, once the tween is appended to myTimeline, "y:" is going to stay at whatever the value of sliderPosition was at that moment it was appended. Am I right on that? TIA
  5. So I'm putting together an app where I need to be able to adjust the speed of certain events with a slider, but others need to remain at the normal timescale. I began the app in v10, and my dept. just upgraded to v11 mid-project. With v10, TweenLite just ignored it when you adjusted TweenMax's globalTimeScale, so the Tweens that I wanted to ignore the timeScale changes I just did with TweenLite. Now, with v11, TweenLite is paying attention to the timeScale changes, which does away with my dastardly plan. Here's the Cliff Notes version of the dragMove function for the slider which controls the function pulseSpeedDragMove(e:MouseEvent):void { pulseSpeedSliderPosition = (math that calculates a sliderPosition between .01 and 1); someFunctionThatDoesntMatter(); TweenMax.globalTimeScale = pulseSpeedSliderPosition; e.updateAfterEvent(); } As you can imagine, if I set the timeScales with the variable "pulseSpeedSliderPosition" at each tween, instead of globally, they won't update dynamically when I move the slider. Anyone have any clues how I can get around this? I could always downgrade, but chances are either I or someone I work with will have this problem later on and we'll need to know how to deal with v11. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
  6. I am impressed and astonished by your response time, sir. It was, frankly, pretty cool. Worked just fine. I honestly don't know how I could do my job without TweenMax. Now, on to more inscrutable dilemmas!
  7. I'm a noob who switched from v10 to v11 mid-project to only to find out that how onComplete functions in conjunction with repeat has apparently changed. For instance: var tweenAutoPulse:TweenMax; tweenAutoPulse = TweenMax.to(pulseClip.pulse, 1.5, {y:200, startAt:{y: -122}, onComplete: pulseReset, onUpdate: pulseChecker, ease:Linear.easeNone, repeat:-1/}); in v10, when I had repeat (formerly loop) going indefinitely, every time the tween completed, the onComplete specified function fired off as expected. Now with the new version, it suddenly doesn't seem to work that way. Can anybody shed any light on what's going on and what I can do? I can always downgrade back to v10, but as I'm going to need to know v11 from here on out, I might as well tackle this now. Thanks in advance for any help!
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