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  1. zed

    "repeat" property

    Cheers for the tip! it works great! thanks for the time zed
  2. zed

    "repeat" property

    Hi there, thanks for your time, and by the way, congrats for the work... really good. Could you point me some docs about how to use the "loop" property? about upgrading, i tried already, but since i'm using Gaia in this work, it messed up real bad and i could put it to work... all the paths to the as files were giving me problems..need to chek it out, maybe the last Gaia version as already your v11... if you could give me a hand on the best way to "loop" it would be great cheers zed
  3. zed

    "repeat" property

    Ok i got it. I'm using v10.11, and the property is new and only available in v11. is there any way of using the anciente property "loop"? or i really need to upgrade it? i'm finishing a project and its not the best time to do that... is there any another way to repeat a tween in v10.11? cheers zed
  4. I There! i'm having some dificulties implementing the "repeat" property. Wouldn't it be something like this? (AS2) TweenMax.from(mc, 0.6, {_xscale:20, _yscale:20, _alpha:0, delay:1.8, ease:Expo.easeOut}); TweenMax.to(mc, 0.6, {_xscale:100, _yscale:100, _alpha:100, delay:1.8, repeat:2, repeatDelay:1, ease:Bounce.easeOut}); thks in advance for any help cheers zed
  5. Hi everyone. I'm not very deep into coding, so i still have this questions.... Even tough i hope someone with patience could give me a hand... I use to work with mx.transition, and to manage a transition i would do something like this (simplified): :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: var setRelease = function() { bot01.enabled=false bot02.enabled=false import mx.transitions.*; import mx.transitions.easing.*; //fade OUT var myTransitionManager:TransitionManager= new TransitionManager(_root.contents_mc); myTransitionManager.startTransition({type:Fade, direction:Transition.OUT, duration:1, easing:Strong.easeOut}); var myListener:Object = new Object(); myListener.allTransitionsOutDone = function(eventObj:Object) { _root.contents_mc.gotoAndStop(2) //IN TransitionManager.start(_root.contents_mc, {type:Fade, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.5, easing:Strong.easeInOut}); bot01.enabled=true bot02.enabled=true }; myTransitionManager.addEventListener("allTransitionsOutDone", myListener); } With this code, i could manage diferent stages within the content_mc and it was pretty ok and simple to use. I would i do sometihing similar with TweenMax (or Lite) Thanks in advance cheers Zed
  6. Thanks for the help, off course it makes sense, even if i could really understand why the actions of the buttons interfer with the action of the main box... I will try to put it all in a function, and then triger only the function.. that way i can have less code, because from what i understood, the logical conditions will be needed in the on() actions.. so i will have to write them everywhere. cheers zed
  7. Hi GreenSock, tanks for the reply here is a simplified example of my problem...hope you can help me. The solution i found is not very interesting to apply, and makes the actions code very confusing, since i'm going to have some buttons to give actions to hope you can give it a look cheers zed
  8. I everyone! I'm new to tweenLite, but.. congrats, very usefull, very simple. I am having a problem: I have a box_mc, and inside it i have a btn_mc I know thati cannot give action to box_mc directly, cause the actions inside will not work, So i give the action to a "animbox_mc" inside box_mc, like this: //show the box with tweenLite _root.box_mc_mc.animbox_mc.onRollOver = function() { TweenLite.to(_root.box_mc, 0.5, {_x:0, ease:Expo.easeInOut}); } It works great, but when i go and give the actions to the button like this: //giving actions to the button inside box_mc _root.box_mc.btn_mc.onRollOver = function() { _root.box_mc.btn_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } it will mess up with the main box_mc (the box will return to it´s original position, the object flikrs, nothing works.. Only until i thought of this crazy idea, to include a tweenlite in the object action fucntion, like this: //giving actions to the button inside box_mc _root.box_mc.btn_mc.onRollOver = function() { //i need to put another tween to the box_mc this time without time, because i dont want the box to move, but this way it works, even if it is a kind of odd way... TweenLite.to(_root.box_mc, 0, {_x:0, ease:Expo.easeOut}); _root.box_mc.btn_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } any ideas? thanks in advance zed
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