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Posts posted by barryg

  1. Thank You.

    That was it and it works correctly now. I even put in a small stagger value for a cool effect.


    I just looked at the docs on the allTo() Method. First it looks like I had it formatted incorrectly; so why did it even work?

    I had the onComplete function grouped in the 3rd parameter with the 4th, 5th and 6th arguments set to Null.

  2. removedObjs is an array of Objects.

    The problem that's occurring is that gravityListener is being call for as many times as there are objects in the array when the tween is complete.


    I need it to be called only once.


    TweenMax.allTo(removedObjs, 0.5, {autoAlpha:0, onComplete:gravityListener}); 

  3. I'm currently clicking on a photo on a site and using a javascript window.open to display an enlargement in its own window. What I would like to do is use a javascript "Lightbox" effect written in AS3 as a class. I know as a minimum a tween would be used. I'm currently using tweenLite for a number of alpha effects.


    Anyone have any suggestions to get started.

  4. Each one is difference on its rate. I changed the ease type to Quint.easeOut and set the time 4 seconds on alpha:1 and 2 seconds on alpha:0 to test.


    I also tried using autoAlpha and I'm getting the following Errors.

    The images that I'm applying alpha to are of type Bitmaps that are children of a sprite container.


    TweenLite.to(bitmapObj, 0.5, {autoAlpha:0, ease:Quint.easeOut})
    Errors Generated.  Repeated many times
    ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property autoAlpha not found on flash.display.Bitmap and there is no default value.
    at com.greensock::TweenLite/init()
    at com.greensock::TweenLite/renderTime()
    at com.greensock.core::SimpleTimeline/renderTime()
    at com.greensock::TweenLite$/updateAll()

  5. I have multiple images stack on top of each other in a display list. The alpha is set to zero on all but the top. I'm moving the newly selected child to the top of the display list (loaderMain_Curr) and tweening the alpha to "1.0" and the previous child (loaderMain_Prev) alpha to "0.0". I would like to use a difference time on each one and or ease:"types" to get the effect that I'm looking for, but it appears that their both using the same time and "types". This code is being called on a mousEvent:Click and is being executed within the handler.


    Is there another method on either Lite or Max where I can accomplish this.


    TweenLite.to(loaderMain_Prev, 0.7, {alpha:0.0, ease:Circ.easeOut});
    TweenLite.to(loaderMain_Curr, 1.0, {alpha:1.0, ease:Circ.easeOut});

  6. Here's the method that I'm using

    private function overThumbHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void
    		switch (evt.target.name)
    			case "Thumb_1": TweenLite.to(loader1, 0.25, {alpha:1.0, ease:Quad.easeOut});	break;				
    			case "Thumb_2": TweenLite.to(loader2, 0.25, {alpha:1.0, ease:Quad.easeOut});	break;
    			case "Thumb_3": TweenLite.to(loader3, 0.25, {alpha:1.0, ease:Quad.easeOut});	break;

    I would like to have the switch determine the target as a string within the switch logic and then have one tween below the switch.

  7. A mouse event handler is being called within a AS3 Class. A switch is performed on the target.name to determine the sprite that needs to be tween which is what I called the "tweenObject".

    All my code takes place within a class. I have one method that is being called from the time-line where one or more jpg's are passed in as arguments.

    My code works if the TweenLite.to(..) is added to each case within the switch.

    I do not believe that "this" can be used.

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