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  1. Hi, I have a sequence of images, the images are quite large ( 907x418) and I'm fading them in and out sequentially, and I was wondering if it's normal that the cpu usage during the fade-in/fade-out, rises to 30-35%. thanks a lot
  2. Why when I set the scaleX or scaleY properties of an object in the onStart function they are being ignored? var myT:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite(); myT.insert(new TweenLite(mcBall,1,{scaleX:1,scaleY:1,onStart:function(){mcBall.scaleX = 10;mcBall.scaleY = 10}}),0); when I try the above the scale of the object doesn't change on start. Thanks
  3. So does this mean that I have to dublicate the array every time I'm inserting multiple Tweens? Is there any other way for repeating a specific sequence of Tweens without having to rewrite them?
  4. Hi Guys, I'm breaking my head because I can't figure this one out... How can I reuse an array of tweens multiple times without overwriting it? In the bellow example the "animate2" always overwrites the "animate1" . I've tried the ovewrite manager but no luck. var myTimeline:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite(); myTimeline.addLabel("animate1", 0); myTimeline.addLabel("move", 2); myTimeline.addLabel("animate2", 4); var animate:Array = new Array(new TweenLite(mcBall,1,{x:10}),new TweenLite(mcBall,1,{x:0,delay:1,overwrite:0})); myTimeline.insertMultiple(animate,"animate1"); myTimeline.insert(new TweenLite(mcRect,1,{x:100}),"move"); myTimeline.insertMultiple(animate,"animate2");
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