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About Kezart

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  1. Hi, So in the end i changed a bit the way i call the timelines (now they can run simultaneously) , and created a function to clear the timeline props from the dom to "reset" the timelines (called on 'leave'). It works fine like that function clear(selector) { var tl = gsap.timeline(); tl.to(selector, 0, {clearProps:"all"}); } edit : also codepen has been updated if anyone wanna take a look
  2. Hi, I'm facing a problem that i can't overcome. I'd like to execute multiple timeslines at the same time when a div enters the viewport, but can only manage to fire one at a time. And of course the animations have to reset on leave, so that they can be played again (which is done, but is not instantaneous so it's a problem for longer timelines and thus need improvements if possible). How can this be accomplished ? (also if you have a in-house solution instead of using .onScreen(), i'll gladly use it) (GSAP related JS starts at line 163 "// ANIMATIONS HERE") Thank you in advance
  3. Hello everyone ! I have a problem understanding the ScrollTrigger plugin. I would like to animate each section as soon as we reach the active section. The most difficult point is to launch different animations during entry, exit, and during the active section. Can you help me ? Thank you in advance.
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