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Everything posted by chris.ncic

  1. i appreciate all the help. i think for now i may utilize the standard TransformManager. did some previous testing and it seemed ok in the same mxml code i posted. thought there might be some benefit to using the flex version, but if there are no limitations with the standard one i'm fine with that.
  2. maybe calling addItem was correct then, i might have jumped the gun when trying to call addElement. both seem to throw the error though. thanks man, sorry for the hassle.
  3. This one stumps me some. Throws same error. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" width="100%" height="100%" creationComplete="_onCreationComplete();">
  4. I'm a jackass, just saw the addElement method. I'm sorry for waisting your time. Thanks again.
  5. Sorry for not throwing enough info in the last post. I appreciate the quick response too. Tried to upload the fxp, and then later the mxml i was testing with both extensions weren't allowed. I believe my error gets thrown as soon as I call addItem() using an instance of the FlexTransformManager. Will post my test mxml that I was working with. Compiling against Flex 4.1 sdk, and using TransformManager 1.941. Thanks for the your help. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" width="100%" height="100%" creationComplete="_onCreationComplete();">
  6. Read a post, and the changelog regarding updates to handle addElement/removeElement etc for spark components. Created a simple Flex 4.1 app and when using FlexTransformManager get an error: Error: removeChild() is not available in this class. Instead, use removeElement() or modify the skin, if you have one. at spark.components::Group/removeChild()[E] at mx.core::Container/addChildAt()[E] Might be able to use TransformManager, wanted to check up on the flex version. Thanks guys, appreciate any help.
  7. sorry for all the posts, i hope this is the last. i think i've got a new problem. it seems like all the transform events are firing for a textfield except 2 SELECT_MOUSE_DOWN, SELECT_MOUSE_UP. update: i see the logic behind this now, ignore that post.
  8. i found my problem. i had a bug where my textfield was being immediately deselected because i had deselectAll() being called in a certain circumstance. so the transform manager was handling the textfield fine, it's just that the textfield would immediately get deselected. one thing i do want to forewarn others about is that in flex you may not want to use any container that requires you to use rawChildren.addChild, because the flextransformmanager is calling targetObject.parent.addChild and will throw an error.
  9. update: i've been testing with using a uicomponent as the parent of all the images and textfields to be managed instead of a canvas. it seems to solve some problems, however for some reason flextransformmanager doesn't seem to respond to the textfield as a managed object. it works fine for the the images. if i do something like: tempTransformItem = _flexTransformManager.addItem(tempTextField); _flexTransformManager.selectItem(tempTextField, true); the textfield will be selected, but as soon as i deselect the textfield i can't get the transform manager to manage it normally. my main goal is to manage images and textfields with a single flextransformmanager, and they are currently all being added to a single uicomponent (verses a single canvas).
  10. real quick question. how would you go about adding a textfield to be managed by the flexTransformManager sometime after the transform manager is instantiated? ex. flexTransformManager.addItem(someTextField); i get errors in this case because the textfield isn't an uicomponent. edit: i should also say that the parent of the textfield is currently a canvas, however i'm testing with uicomponent as the parent to help ease the problem. thanks for your help.
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