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  1. You are correct. It in fact does work. I can't explain why I couldn't use the Tween.to method now. But the error in Flex I was getting said that TweenLite couldn't use the 'to' method. Then again I was called on the typo in my original post "Tweenlite" quite possibly that was the reaon. *smacks himself in the head* -max
  2. Sorry that was a typo.. TweenLite.to does not work in Flex.
  3. I was not able to get the following to work in Flex: TweenLite.to(mc,1, { x:100}); For some reason it doesn't see the '.to' as a function in Tweenlite. What does work is: private var myTween:TweenLite; myTween = new TweenLite(mc, 1, { x:100 }); The problem is if I want to keep that animation dynamic and constantly working in a situation like: function enterFrame(e:Event):void{ myTween = new TweenLite(e.target, 1, { x:mouseX }); } myTween keeps getting refreshed and renewed obviously creating more and more of the instance and also causes odd behavior with the target in question. How do I reference myTween and still be able to control its properties after its already been initated? Thanks in advanced.
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