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Posts posted by tin_soldier

  1. I'm attempting to make a seamless loop out of a timeline where there is a sequence of images stacking on top of each other and scaling.

    My thinking is to repeat the last image and start the timeline at 1.3 seconds then set it to repeat 1.3 seconds early which is a good point to be able to loop.


    I've tried



    repeatDelay: -1.3,

    but can't get either of these to work how I'd like. The negative repeatDelay seems to alter the length of the timeline and I don't know how to apply the time(1.3) to each repeat.

    Any help appreciated.

    See the Pen KKEyQZJ by 1976ltd (@1976ltd) on CodePen

  2. Okay, finally figured it out. Nothing to do with TweenLite or flash at all.


    I had the embedSWF path as an absolute path using the local ip address but was accessing the page with localhost in the url.


    Not sure why this allowed the external swf to be loaded but it broke the tweening somehow.


    Using a relative path has fixed it.



  3. Hi, Thanks for the response. I'm using the same version yes, the fla files are in the same directory as the gs folder and both are importing the class from there.


    There's no crossdomain issue either. I'm just testing locally and both swfs are in a folder called swf which sits in the same directory as the html file ie;







    I'm using swfobject v2 to embed the main swf if that's any use?

  4. Hi,


    I have a main movie file which has some tweens using TweenLite. At the end of the final tween I am calling a function to load an external swf into a container mc.


    loadExternalSwf = function () {
    loadMovie("swf/myExternalSwf.swf", "container");


    This is working fine. I then have further tweens inside the external swf which work perfectly as a standalone file. Once it is loaded into the main swf however, the TweenLite class no longer seems to work. The tweens don't do anything. I have tested that this is not a pathing issue.


    I am calling the class in the external swf on the frame with the tweens ie;

    import gs.*;
    import gs.easing.*;
    TweenLite.from(this.myMC, 5, {_xscale:0, _yscale:0, ease:Elastic.easeOut, delay:0});


    Can anyone see something obvious which I have wrong here?



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