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Posts posted by caymanbruce

  1. If you're using a regular requestAnimationFrame call for the update, you should be fine using GSAP's ticker. I've never had a problem with it.


    Here's a pretty simple demo I made the other day. See if you can fork it and get it working. Are you getting any errors when it freezes? Cross-origin problems happen all the time on CodePen when you try to load a texture.

    See the Pen ZBNXLG?editors=0010 by osublake (@osublake) on CodePen


    Thanks now I use GSAP's ticker event to handle my game's update. However, I wonder if I can do a Tweening inside the ticker event. For example I need to do some kind of game logic when some condition is triggered in the animation. Like putting an if clause to check the condition and then do a TweenMax.to(...). What's your suggestion on getting this done nicely? 

  2. To start out, I would use GSAP's ticker instead. It will keep the update calls in sync with your tweens.



    Will it affect performance? It might. It's really hard to say without seeing some code running. Can you make a simple demo of what you're trying to do?




    If you're creating hundreds of tweens on every tick, you might need to do some optimization. As an example, here's a particle emitter that I optimized a little by using the ModifiersPlugin. Instead of creating thousands of new tweens every couple of seconds, I reuse them and just modify their values.


    See the Pen oLGBXy?editors=0010 by osublake (@osublake) on CodePen



    Thanks for your quick reply. 


    I would like to use TweenMax ticker only however the tweening is part of a Canvas game I make with PIXI.js. Everything else uses the update loop including the sprites animation. There could be hundreds of tweens per tick because I am making a particle/texture background and the background will be scaled on some tick. I can't make a codepen demo because the window freezes from time to time as I experimented.

  3. I am writing a canvas project, suppose I have something inside my update loop like this:

    let state = play;
    function play() {
    function update() {

    raf is short for requestAnimationFrame. If I understand correctly when tweening gsap already uses raf. Putting TweeenMax inside the udpate will it have negative efffect on the animation?

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