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  1. Thanks I owe you a thousand thanks. This is really awesome. I hope the tweenings don't conflict with each other since they are all inside the ticker method.
  2. Thanks now I use GSAP's ticker event to handle my game's update. However, I wonder if I can do a Tweening inside the ticker event. For example I need to do some kind of game logic when some condition is triggered in the animation. Like putting an if clause to check the condition and then do a TweenMax.to(...). What's your suggestion on getting this done nicely?
  3. Thanks for your quick reply. I would like to use TweenMax ticker only however the tweening is part of a Canvas game I make with PIXI.js. Everything else uses the update loop including the sprites animation. There could be hundreds of tweens per tick because I am making a particle/texture background and the background will be scaled on some tick. I can't make a codepen demo because the window freezes from time to time as I experimented.
  4. I am writing a canvas project, suppose I have something inside my update loop like this: let state = play; function play() { gsap.TweenMax.to(...) } function update() { raf(update); state(); } raf is short for requestAnimationFrame. If I understand correctly when tweening gsap already uses raf. Putting TweeenMax inside the udpate will it have negative efffect on the animation?
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