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  1. Hello. When using Draggable and ThrowProps and using snap to certain points, is there a way to increase the speed that snap happens at? Currently the div settles into position slowly, I'd like the tension to be much higher. Thanks. Ignore: maxDuration works.
  2. mrEmpty

    1.9 Text Tweening

    Ahh, ignore me, I was being crazy stupid. The server hadn't updated.
  3. mrEmpty

    1.9 Text Tweening

    Hello. OK, I have an element I want to test the text tweening on. I'm getting at it as so: var experimentOneMainButton = $(':last-child p', masterContainer); If I use experimentOneMainButton.text = 'some text'; all is good. However, if I use: TweenMax.to(experimentOneMainButton, 2, {text:"Close", ease:Linear.easeNone}); Nothing happens. I'm confirming in the console that experimentOneMainButton is the element I'm needing. Any ideas? I can post the entire function if that helps? Cheers.
  4. Hello, it's nice to be back. Work gets in the way some times. It was noticeably awful, sometimes, but not others. You'd refresh and it would be slick, then you'd try again and it'd look like it was buffering. Our divs contained text elements, although to be honest, even an empty div with background colour would mess up. Canvas was slick, and I'm happy to stick with that, but I'll keep researching this because it's fun and may come in handy.
  5. I've moved to doing it all in canvas, but am interested if anyone has any ideas on this.
  6. Hello. First off, I'm loving GSAP on JS, wish it would come to iOS... OK, so I am doing a simple test, converting a Flash app to HTML. We have some absolute positioned divs, 1520px x 750px on a 1920x1200 screen. At the moment I'm simply using TweenMax to animate the css left property, and the animation on Chrome is very jerky. We have to use Chrome for other reasons. Sometimes the animation runs very smooth, other times it's running at something like 8fps. I'll include the incredibly simple JS in case anyone wants it. pOne = $("#panelOne"); TweenMax.to(pOne, 0.45, {css:{left:"-1500px"}}); Any ideas? Nothing is showing in any log, the system is a Win7 PC and it's fairly capable, nice GPU etc. Running Chrome in kiosk mode. Cheers.
  7. Hello. OK, knowing Greensock I 100% understand that this problem is with my code. I have an array of display objects. I'm pushing new items into this array using the following function. public function addSubItem(Item:DisplayObject, ID:int):void { trace('Adding item with ID: ', ID); if (!isAnyTweening(scrollerItemsArray)) { scrollerItemsArray.push(Item); scrollerIDArray.push(ID); Item.y = (scrollerSprite.y - Item.height); scrollerSprite.addChild(Item); for each (var i:DisplayObject in scrollerItemsArray) { TweenMax.to(i, 0.25, {y:i.y + (Item.height + 5)}); } } } And I'm removing the items from the array with this function: public function removeSubItem(ID:int):void { trace('Remove item at position: ', ID); var removeItemPlace:int = scrollerIDArray.indexOf(ID, 0); //get the location in the array of the item we are removing if (removeItemPlace == -1) { return; } else { var removeItemHeight:int = scrollerItemsArray[removeItemPlace].height; //get the height of that item trace('remove height is: ', removeItemHeight); //remove the actual object scrollerSprite.removeChild(scrollerItemsArray[removeItemPlace]); //tween the items below that one upwards for (var i:int = 0; i < scrollerItemsArray.length; i++) { if (i == removeItemPlace) { break; } trace(i); TweenMax.to(scrollerItemsArray[i], 0.25, {y:scrollerItemsArray[i].y - (removeItemHeight + 5)}); } //remove the item from the arrays scrollerItemsArray.splice(removeItemPlace); scrollerIDArray.splice(removeItemPlace); } } Which is all working fine. However, once I've performed an item remove, if I then add another item, the tween will work on all but one item, the one 'above' the item which was removed. It's hard to describe, so here is a video: http://youtu.be/7NkBkoAejtI Any ideas what I've done wrong here? I know this isn't Greensock specific, but this is the best forum for finding people who really know Flash. Thanks.
  8. Ignore me, had to reforce the update. scrollerBlit.update(null, true);
  9. Hello. Say you create a sprite and are using a BlitMask on that sprite: private var scrollerSprite:Sprite = new Sprite(); private var scrollerBlit:BlitMask; scrollerBlit = new BlitMask(scrollerSprite, 0, 0, scrollerWidth, scrollerHeight, true, true, 0x000000); scrollerBlit.wrap = true; All happy. Now, let's say later on you need to add children to scrollerSprite: scrollerSprite.addChild(Item); That item will not appear for me, it's being masked by the BlitMask. How can I resolve this? I'm updating the mask after adding the child, but this makes no difference. Thanks.
  10. Hello. Wasn't sure where else to ask this, and it's inked to GS so here we go. The example panel scroller on the Throwprops page, it's breaking for me if I run it at 60fps. At 30fps it's fine, anything above 30fps and the tracking of the mouse seems to break. I'm interested to understand why.
  11. Hello. Sadly the hierarchy is set, I can't change it, it's all to do with a very complex set of gesture controls which are required. Your solution is what I'm testing now, so I'm glad I'm on the right path. I'll keep at it, I have a week left.
  12. Nah, still no good. OK, if you have a parent that is moving 1280 pixels over 0.7 seconds but you want to delay the movement of it's children by 0.35 seconds, how would you do it? At the moment I'm moving the child in the opposite direction by 640 pixels then tweening it back to 0. But this results in some freaky animation, even when using the same easing types.
  13. I'm on the road to solving this by rethinking it. Once it's working I'll post the code, just in case anyone can suggest a cleaner way
  14. I guess the headache is one I need to deal with, I'm not sure what I'm asking. I am gong to look into a custom ease which can handle the backwards then forwards motion in one tween. The problem I see with that is I'm tweening from x:0 to x:0
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