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  1. Huh, this is interesting Yeah, I keep phantoming old syntax Thank you!
  2. Ok, so here are 2 almost identical tweens. Both initially set transformOrigin of bars to bottom-center. The first one uses gsap.from() and it works weird, looks like it's some bug (or perhaps I miss something?) The second one is almost the same, but it uses gsap.to() and transformOrigin seems to work fine. What could be the reason for such behaviour?
  3. Hi guys, I'm sorry if you receive this couple of times, I've tried to send it through 'contact us' and premium support forms but they also do not seem to work. The forms fail with 'Oops, Something went wrong' and the breadcrumbs look broken (> ... > module__ .... __module). Anyway, I was just looking through svg tips (https://greensock.com/svg-tips) and discovered this pen does not work correctly in Safari: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/MwaJVK Chrome is ok but in Safari the rounded square behaves weird and does not stay within bounds of container. Mac OS X 10.14.6 // Safari 13.0.3 Feel free to ping me for any additional info. Thanks for the great tool!
  4. Thank you, Zach! No I feel a little dumb, should've thought about this in the first place
  5. so I have this piece of SVG, the lines seem to be fine, but for some reason when I try to drawSVG them they start with dashed lines and then in the end of duration just jump to 100%, instead of animating. When I just drop it on Vivus Instant (https://maxwellito.github.io/vivus-instant/) it works just fine. Can anyone please point me what might be the cause?
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