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Monnone last won the day on January 13 2013

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Everything posted by Monnone

  1. Hey guys! I have an odd bug happening and wanted to see if you guys have run across this before. The bottom-line is when I resize the browser window or even just the plain swf the target MC disappears. // bkgrnd var ls:LiquidStage = new LiquidStage(this.stage, 1200, 800, 0, 0); var area:LiquidArea = new LiquidArea(this, 0, 0, 1200, 800, 0x313f19); area.preview = false; area.attach(bkgrnd_mc, ScaleMode.PROPORTIONAL_OUTSIDE); // content var areaC:LiquidArea = new LiquidArea(this, 0, 0, 1200, 1050, 0x313f19); areaC.preview = true; areaC.attach(c_mc, ScaleMode.PROPORTIONAL_INSIDE); Really, it all seems pretty straight forward. I can't find the issue. Thanks in advance!
  2. I think I may have it... I had to artificially increase the height of my bottom clip's stage by adding a transparent line that extends beyond the initial height. Sounds like a hack but it works pretty good. Also, I think 'createAround' might have been the missing ingredient: var areaBottom:LiquidArea = LiquidArea.createAround(bottomThumbs_mc, {scaleMode:ScaleMode.PROPORTIONAL_INSIDE, vAlign:"BOTTOM", minHeight:300}); Thanks for looking into this! b
  3. Thanks Jack. The problem is that I can either get the scaling right OR the pinning right but not both. I need that bottom bar to remain visible even while it's scaling down. Is there any chance that can be done? I tried commenting the pinning line to no luck. Is this where you used the "customBoundsTarget" method? You didn't post the com folder so I can't tell. I'll update my classes now as well. thanks! Brian
  4. Hey Jack, did you have a chance to look at the files? I really appreciate it!
  5. Thanks for the help Jack. Here is a super simple project attached. I need the bottom bar to scale as the window gets scaled down as well as stay pinned to the bottom of the stage. You can see the center content scales down a bit then stops scaling at a certain point. I'd like the bottom bar to behave the same way. I'm sure this is probably straight forward but can't seem to put it together in the right way. *edit: I'm getting a message that says: "Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached." So I posted the files here: [deleted link because it contained members-only classes] Thanks!
  6. I posted this in the other forum...I may have originally posted in the wrong place so... Quick question. I have an element I want to stay pinned to the bottom of the browser but when the browser resizes it still scales to a certain degree. I know this has to be possible but I can't seem to come up with the right ingredients to make it happen. My bottom element is 3308x147 if that matters any. Here's my setup so far: As always, thanks in advance! // Liquid Stage Layout var ls:LiquidStage = new LiquidStage(this.stage, 1000, 825, 0, 0); //ls.attach(bottomThumbs_mc, ls.BOTTOM_CENTER); var areaBottom:LiquidArea = new LiquidArea(this, -1143, 680, 3309.95, 147.60, 0xFF0000, 0, 120); areaBottom.pinCorners(ls.BOTTOM_LEFT, ls.BOTTOM_RIGHT); areaBottom.preview = true; areaBottom.attach(bottomThumbs_mc, ScaleMode.PROPORTIONAL_INSIDE, AlignMode.CENTER, AlignMode.BOTTOM); What is happening is the element does indeed stay put on the bottom but now doesn't scale. If I comment the pinCorners method the element scales but oddly and doesn't stay pinned to the bottom. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  7. Jack, I figured it out. Thanks for the fast response as usual. I just had to make sure everything inside all the clips were on whole pixel coordinates. It seems to be much smoother now.
  8. Hey all, quick question. When using the MotionBlurPlugin my objects tween nicely along the X axis but when they are finished animating it looks as if they jump a pixel up on the Y axis. Am I missing something? I'm using it like so: TweenMax.fromTo(main.copyHead.copy1, .7, {x:500, autoAlpha:1}, {x:0, motionBlur:true, delay:0, ease:Quint.easeOut}); Thanks in advance!
  9. Ok, update. It seems to be working on my MacBook Pro as well. Odd? Are you using the latest version of the LoaderMax?
  10. I just tried your code...seems to be working just fine for me. Video loads in at it's native resolution. Long shot here, but I'll try on my Mac and see if it breaks...I've noticed some Flash Player related things don't seem to work properly on a Mac.
  11. Well, I figured it out. If you're curious, and probably already know the answer... Instead of loading all the videos in one shot in the doc class with: queue.load(); I'm handling loading of each video individually in the video class itself. In the video class, "video" is a VideoLoader so it was as simple as saying: video.load(); Done. Brian
  12. Hey Jack, everything was bumping right along then I discovered another issue. The way I have things setup right now ALL the videos load at once. This is problematic because of the randomization of the array. I'd like only the first two videos to load when called upon, vote, then next two videos will load. I checked my web proxy while on my test site and sure enough, all the videos are loading at once. So if the randomization calls for the very last video the user will have to wait quite a while to play the video while all the previous videos load. According to Charles, my web debugging proxy, all the videos are loading. I imagine this is expected because I'm doing this: queue.load(); I guess I don't want to load them like this. So how do I tell the video class which video to load? I see with the poster frames we did this: addChild(_videos[0].thumbnail.content); Which works great for the images because I'm handling that without a separate class. And I see you gave me the example code: _videos[0].video.playVideo(); but how would I pass that into the vid class? Also, I don't need to change the priority of the loading video as there will only be two at a time. Also, currently initiating the video to load into the two players like: vidPlayer1_mc.showVideo(_videos[0].video); Where showVideo is a method in the video class that handles most of everything. I've updated the link I PM'd you as well, just in case. Thanks so much! Brian
  13. I have everything working like a charm. Thanks so much for your help! Also, since I'm not at the agency anymore and working for myself it might be time to grab my personal license... Thanks for your hard work Jack! Brian
  14. Man, awesome. Let me take a look... Also, my AS3 is coming along nicely but the more I get into it the more I want/need to do! Vicious circle...and any nudging you provide is well received!
  15. Well, I'm certainly open to suggestions on how I need to get this done using your classes. Let me see if I can recap what I'm trying to do in the most simplest terms. I have two videos that will play side by side. The user will click a vote button for the video of their choice. A new set of videos will load after the user votes, etc., etc. I'll PM you a link to the working test project so far. You are 100% correct in that I don't want to over engineer this. I'd like to handle this the right way. The bottom-line is that I need to have a poster image that gets displayed for each video until the user actually clicks the video to play it. On video play, the poster image would fade away, user eventually votes, etc, etc for about 36 videos. I have an XML file for the videos, I randomizing the video array, pull the first item in the array and then load it up it via the video class. I'm then and shifting out that first position in the randomized array to remove it, randomizing it again and loading in a new video into that first position. This way I won't ever play the same videos again...once they are seen, they are no longer available in the array list. Recap: _video array gets randomized, load item 0 into vid class, play when clicked, vote happens, shift first item from array on vote- rinse and repeat. I have this working. I'm sure it could be coded better but I'm still a bit wet behind the ears with AS3 on OOP. Seems like I'm forever learning... So, here's what I feel like I need to happen on this poster image business: Since I'm randomizing my videos, albeit through an array or whatever, a poster image needs to be associated with each video. My thought was to add a node to the XML item: posterFrame="posterImageBlah.jpg" for example. Pass my loader array (or video array, I'm not sure what it is actually), "_video" into my video player class and let the video player class load the poster image, etc. and then carry on like it's currently working. Again, you are right, currently I'm getting the videos AND the images listed in the array as separate items, which is not what I need. Hopefully I've explained it enough. Again, thank you very much for any help you can provide. I absolutely love your Tween classes and talk them up when ever I can...keep up the fantastic work Jack. Brian
  16. I tried this too: var thumbsQueue:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax({name:"thumbsQueue"}); var xml:XML = event.target.content; var videoNodes:XMLList = xml.LoaderMax[0].VideoLoader; for each (var node:XML in videoNodes) { thumbsQueue.append( new ImageLoader("assets/" + node.@posterFrame) ); thumbsQueue.append( new VideoLoader("assets/" + node.@url) ); } thumbsQueue.load(); _images = thumbsQueue.getChildren(); trace("Images: "+_images+"\n"); And when I pass that into the video class all the video play at one time where before it would only load the videos and I would allow them to play based on a button click.
  17. Thanks for the follow up. I have my methods and video class in place already, etc and it works. What I'm looking for is how do I pass the array of videos along with the poster frames back into the video class. I'll handle displaying the appropriate image in the video class. Your code only addresses the images but not the videos. I've tried different thing but get errors. For example is I do this: var queue:LoaderMax = LoaderMax.getLoader("videoListLoader"); queue.load(); _videos = queue.getChildren(); I can tap into the videos but not the images. If I do this: var thumbsQueue:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax({name:"thumbsQueue"}); var xml:XML = event.target.content; var videoNodes:XMLList = xml.LoaderMax[0].VideoLoader; for each (var node:XML in videoNodes) { thumbsQueue.append( new ImageLoader("assets/" + node.@posterFrame) ); } thumbsQueue.load(); _images = thumbsQueue.getChildren(); I get the list of images but not videos. I've tried to include both but get errors. I'm sure this is something simple I'm missing. I need both images AND videos be be included into one array so I can pass the array in the randomize function together. Sounds so simple but I'm scratching my head... Thanks again! brian
  18. Thanks for the help so far. How would I integrate the videos now? I have the images tracing back perfectly but I need the videos to get loaded into that same queue, "thumbsQueue" or just "queue". I can successfully get the videos this way: var queue:LoaderMax = LoaderMax.getLoader("videoListLoader"); queue.load(); _videos = queue.getChildren(); I then send the array, "_videos" into a randomizer and then through the videoPlayer class. But I need the videos AND the images to get randomized and then sent to the videoPlayer class and the video class will handle loading the appropriate poster frame based on the random results. Man, I hope that makes sense. I'm new to your Loading classes and am really trying to understand... Thanks in advance, brian
  19. Thanks Jack...let me check this out. I'll get back. Brian
  20. I'm having a heck of a time figuring this out. What I have going on basically a video faceoff site. Two video will be pitted against each other and the user will vote for one or the other. Two new videos load up so forth and so on until all the videos have been viewed. I'm pulling the video list from an XML file, adding it to an array and randomizing the order of the array so that I can load the 0 position in the array and then remove from the array, that way it won't load up again. What I'd like to do is add a poster frame to each video node. Ideally I'd like to the video node to contain the JPG because of the fact that I'm randomizing the order and it seems to be easier to associate the JPG with the node that contains the video etc. I can't seem to get the JPG from the XML file to the Stage...lol. Sounds easy I know...maybe I'm missing something?? Here is my XML list: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> scaleMode="proportionalInside" centerRegistration="true" alpha="0" autoPlay="false" posterFrame="georgeStrait.jpg"/> scaleMode="proportionalInside" centerRegistration="true" alpha="0" autoPlay="false" posterFrame="iWouldntDoIt.jpg"/> scaleMode="proportionalInside" centerRegistration="true" alpha="0" autoPlay="false" posterFrame="jerryJeffWalker.jpg"/> scaleMode="proportionalInside" centerRegistration="true" alpha="0" autoPlay="false" posterFrame="cowboyPoet.jpg"/> scaleMode="proportionalInside" centerRegistration="true" alpha="0" autoPlay="false" posterFrame="whiteJones.jpg"/> And I'm trying all kinds of things so please excuse the mess: private function init(){ LoaderMax.activate([xmlLoader, VideoLoader]); LoaderMax.activate([imageLoader]); xmlLoader = new XMLLoader("xml/videoList.xml", {name:"videoList", onComplete:xmlHandler}); xmlLoader.load(); loadNewBtn_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadNewClick); loadNewBtn_mc.buttonMode = true; this.addEventListener("XML Loaded", function(){loadVid1();}); } private function xmlHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void { var queue:LoaderMax = LoaderMax.getLoader("videoListLoader"); var thumbQueue:LoaderMax = LoaderMax.getLoader("videoListLoader"); //var thumbQueue:LoaderMax = LoaderMax.getLoader("videoListLoader"); //queueImages.addEventListener(LoaderEvent.COMPLETE, onImagesLoaded, false, 0, true); //var images:XMLList = (xmlLoader.content as XML).ImageLoader; var images:XMLList = (xmlLoader.content as XML).VideoLoader; for each (var image:XML in images) { //thumbQueue = LoaderMax.getContent("assets/" + image.@name + ".jpg"); thumbQueue.append( new ImageLoader("assets/" + image.@name + ".jpg") ); //_images.push(thumbQueue); } thumbQueue.load() _videos = queue.getChildren(); _images = thumbQueue.getChildren(); trace("Images: "+_images+"\n"); queue.load(); this.dispatchEvent(new Event("XML Loaded")); } Any help is seriously appreciated. - Brian
  21. Nevermind. I worked it out: stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, initBkgrnd); function initBkgrnd(e:Event):void{ trace(bkgrnd_mc.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded); if(bkgrnd_mc.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded == bkgrnd_mc.loaderInfo.bytesTotal){ updateBackground(null); } stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, initBkgrnd); } Thanks for your help! Brian
  22. It's working great except on initialization it's not resizing properly. I made a call to updateBackground right away but it throws this error: Error: Error #2099: The loading object is not sufficiently loaded to provide this information. at flash.display::LoaderInfo/get width() at MethodInfo-280() at MethodInfo-279() So it looks like the MC it's trying to resize isn't ready yet? How can I make sure it's loaded, ready to go, then resize? I'm not loading anything externally; it's all on the stage. I'm calling it like this: updateBackground(null); function updateBackground(event:Event):void{ } Again, your help is GREATLY appreciated Jack. Thanks, brian
  23. Works great. Thank you! Do your classes not handle this natively (liquidWrapper)? Thanks! brian
  24. Actually I do have another question. (sorry for spamming this thread) I'd like the object to scale proportionally AND still fill the browser window like http://waterlife.nfb.ca/. What am I missing? Again, I can't seem to find the documentation for LiquidState. Thanks again! Brian
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