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  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to look this over for me. I'm afraid if I make a CodePen it will work perfectly fine, like your car when you take it to the mechanic. But I'm going to try. Something I noticed is that when there was only the home page, everything worked fine, after adding the timeline for the second page, the problems started. Another thing I noticed is that the first time the page loads, it works fine, but if you load it again, the content will appear before the timeline starts.
  2. I have the same issue, I´ve tried everything before coming here, - set to autoAlpha:0 before the timeline. Does not work - the abobe plus fromTo autoAlpha 0 to 1. Does not work - a simple "to" opacity: 1 but I keep seeing what is supposed to be invisible on load, then it vanishes and then the timeline starts. Why is this happening? This is my first time using gsap so it may be me doing something silly. Please help. here is the áge I'm building https://solar.com.pe/DNL/
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