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  1. Hi again and thanks for the reply Well, the problem is the: t.append( myTimeline.tweenTo("firstLabel") ); This tweenTo would make the tweening go backwards, but i would like it to jump directly to the "firstLabel" position. So I tried this: t.append(myTimeline.tweenTo("lastLabel", {onComplete:gotoBeginnning})); private function gotoBeginnning():void { myTimeline.goto("firstLabel"); } However, this doesn't seem to work, since I would love to use som easing. So I tried this: var t:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite(); t.append( myTimeline.tweenTo("lastLabel") ); t.append( myTimeline.tweenTo("firstLabel", duration: 0) ); t.append( myTimeline.tweenTo("destinationLabel") ); But that doesn't do the trick either... Any ideas, or am I missing out something?
  2. Hi Jack Thanks for a brilliant Tweening engine - it just solved a huge problem for me. Anyway, I have a single question. I'm using TimelineMax with eight nested TimelineMax instances. I add four labels to the main TimelineMax to be able to tweenTo the different labels. Now, if the current framelabel has been passed, the tweenTo-metod reverses the animation. Ok, here's the question: I would like the timeline to just continue forward and at a specific label/frame (could be the end of the timeline, but might just be a frame before the timeline ends) go backward to my first label/frame (this could also be the start of the timeline, but also might just be a frame after the timeline starts) and then continue from there until it reaches the requested label in the tweenTo-method. How can I accomplish this? To describe this in other words I would call this a loop within a timeline – where the start and ending labels/frames are not equal to the beginning and end label/frame of the timeline. Thanks for any feedback. Joel
  3. Hi Jack & Co Thanks again for some great stuff. In the description of TimelineLite you write: "You could even attach a slider to one of these properties to give the user the ability to drag forwards/backwards through the whole timeline." Is there a working example or tutorial on this topic somewhere? Many regards Joel Grøndrup
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