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  1. ouin why my pink square dosnt wooooooooooooork http://codepen.io/Mily/pen/yVpVwq
  2. Thanks to you, with your examples, I could understand, improve my code: Http://codepen.io/Mily/pen/RoxKWK? Editors=1010 Now I try to solve another problem, as the before time of the basic principles are not acquired. I continued my time line, with an element with yoyo Same problem, the instructions following these yoyos do not launch! CEla said, this is normal since it is a yoyo and repeat-1 ... So I'm looking for the best solution for the time line to continue, keeping this yoyo, I tried .Add (label, timedelai) and more but ... Here is the new codepen but I keep looking... Is this because of .to? IDK ! CODE PEN SUITE http://codepen.io/Mily/pen/yVpVwq Thank you for your help, bad in dev, but strong in the kitchen if I can send you something food from france in exchange: D
  3. Hey, An example with 3 squares and two text box, the three animations from the beginning work: Beginning: Red square animation ok At the end of it: Square blue animation ok At the end of it: Phrase 1 appears ok But here, green square moves without waiting for the end of the execution of my text function, It starts at the same time as the text. I would like it to wait for the end of loop. AND If I add another text at the end of my timeline .call (initWriteMachine, ['contentText2', txt2]) ERROR Ouinnn !!! CODEPEN : http://codepen.io/Mily/pen/xRPzOM
  4. I just figured out why I did not succeed before. My function works, but The following does not launch (.to (blabla). A problem with the content of my function? function initWriteMachine(divID,charList) { var charListText = charList.split('')//; var divDuTExt = document.getElementById(divID); for(var i= 0; i < charListText.length; i++) { divDuTExt.innerHTML = charListText.join("</span><span>"); TweenMax.staggerFrom('span', 0.01, {opacity: 0}, 0.1); } }
  5. omg.. I tried 'call', but I did not understand how to pass parameters I think. I am ashamed but thank you for answering noob like me... I have read the documentation, but I will try to be more careful. TY
  6. Hi, I m Emilie, from France. First I'm sorry for my English.... AND...I am a beginner in JS. I have read and tried many things before coming, but I think there must be a simple method that I did not understand I do not find a simple answer to my problem, so i try to find help here with u... Context : _ I have a basic timeLineMax : t1.to(TolosaPlanet,1, {autoAlpha:1, scale:15, ease: Bounce.easeOut, y:0 }) .to(orangeArrow, 0.5, {autoAlpha:1, scale:1.3,ease: Bounce.easeOut, y: 0}) _And I created a simple function in a .js function initWriteMachine(divID,charList) { ....... } Question : How can i simply execute my function after the execution of my TimeLineMax last line ? Currently my function starts directly and does not wait for the end of other insctructions t1.to(TolosaPlanet,1, {autoAlpha:1, scale:15, ease: Bounce.easeOut, y:0 }) .to(orangeArrow, 0.5, {autoAlpha:1, scale:1.3,ease: Bounce.easeOut, y: 0}) .play my function ?? .to(blabla); Thank you for helping... little null
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