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Christoph Erdmann

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Everything posted by Christoph Erdmann

  1. This is "preloading" not "polite loading", isn't it? Don't know what should be polite if you preload your assets. I've read it here: http://support.adform.com/documentation/build-html5-banners/html5-banner-formats/polite-load-ad/ (see "Polite banner from one file") and https://support.google.com/richmedia/answer/2672514?hl=en (see "Set up polite loading with JavaScript") Both are using custom events. And DoubleClick allows 200kb instantly loaded and additionally 300kb politely loaded as recommended by the IAB: https://www.iab.com/guidelines/rich-media-guidance/ I still have the feeling not to understand a litte thing...
  2. Hi, ah, ok, I asked for "polite loading" because I was hoping to get more space. So with DCM there isn't. And to the first paragraph: So it is correct that the snippets above are NOT "polite loading"?
  3. Hi, I am a little bit confused why those two snippets are "polite loading". The window.onload and DOMContentReady events refer to the ads iframe not to the parent window. So it is not sure if the parent window is completely loaded. So there have to be communication between the parent window and the ad iframe to be sure. Seems to be the reason why Doubleclick calls a custom event: https://support.google.com/richmedia/answer/2672514 And I've read here in the forums that this is not possible in DCM. But this is a help page for DCM, isn't it? Could someone enlighten me, please? This industry is so damn confusing...
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