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Matija Milikic

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Posts posted by Matija Milikic

  1. No,I really really like TweenMax and use it in almost any website I make.But for this project I need staggerTo only once and nothing else from TweenMax.I would like to know just for this time is there a way to make function staggerTo which will work exactly like staggerTo with whole library ,I'm just trying to use that feature without whole library,cause lets say from 50 features I only need 1.Of course I'll use TweenMax for every website that needs to have animations.Please understand me.I can make stagger effect without TweenMax but it look's so bad(probably beacause transition of element is bad)

  2. If you are adamantly opposed to using our tools, I'm a bit confused why you are asking for our help. 

    It's kind of like asking Adobe how to edit images without PhotoShop. 

    As Blake has shown, we will gladly help you with the GSAP API... Its what we do. 

    For help with other technologies I strongly recommend stackoverflow.com

    No,I really really like TweenMax and use it in almost any website I make.But for this project I need staggerTo only once and nothing else from TweenMax.I would like to know just for this time is there a way to make function staggerTo which will work exactly like staggerTo with whole library ,I'm just trying to use that feature without whole library,cause lets say from 50 features I only need 1.Of course I'll use TweenMax for every website that needs to have animations. 

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  3. Same thing for reverse...

    var boxes = document.querySelectorAll(".box");
    var len = boxes.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      TweenLite.to(boxes[i], 1, { x: 400, delay: (len - i) * 0.15 });

    If you don't want to use GSAP, then how do you plan on animating your objects? Just use a CDN, and GSAP will be cached on the users browser. 

    I need stagger for only one animation so I think that is better not to use any library.I would like to know how to make stagger animation without any library.Cause it's just one animation I can set the transition in css  and instead of "x=400" I can use "style.transform="translateX(some value)"

  4. Same thing for reverse...

    var boxes = document.querySelectorAll(".box");
    var len = boxes.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      TweenLite.to(boxes[i], 1, { x: 400, delay: (len - i) * 0.15 });

    If you don't want to use GSAP, then how do you plan on animating your objects? Just use a CDN, and GSAP will be cached on the users browser. 

    I need stagger for only one animation so I think that is better not to use any library.I would like to know how to make stagger animation without any library.Cause it's just one animation I can set the transition in css  and instead of "x=400" I can use "style.transform="translateX(some value)"

  5. Stagger is just a helper method that runs a loop, so something like this...

    var boxes = document.querySelectorAll(".box");
    for (var i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) {
      TweenLite.to(boxes[i], 1, { x: 400, delay: i * 0.15 });

    See the Pen d2efac34e16df63c13cc0b89191cc8cd?editors=0010 by osublake (@osublake) on CodePen

    But what if I want to start from last element?

    In TweenMax I just add a "-" in front of delay time.

    TweenMax.staggerTo(".box", 0.42, {x:x_pos,ease: Power2.easeInOut},-0.0102);

    And I also need TweenLite for that,I was asking about stagger without any library.

  6. Hi I use TweenMax,but acctually the only thing I need is "staggerTo".Is there somebody who knows how I can make that effect without TweenMax.It's stupid to use whole library which has so many features and I need only one. 

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