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Matija Milikic

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Everything posted by Matija Milikic

  1. Hi is there a way I can use "call" on onComplete ? I tried something like this but it didn't work. TweenMax.to(element,1,{x:100,onComplete: myFun.call,onCompleteParams:[something,"word"]})
  2. No,I really really like TweenMax and use it in almost any website I make.But for this project I need staggerTo only once and nothing else from TweenMax.I would like to know just for this time is there a way to make function staggerTo which will work exactly like staggerTo with whole library ,I'm just trying to use that feature without whole library,cause lets say from 50 features I only need 1.Of course I'll use TweenMax for every website that needs to have animations.
  3. I need stagger for only one animation so I think that is better not to use any library.I would like to know how to make stagger animation without any library.Cause it's just one animation I can set the transition in css and instead of "x=400" I can use "style.transform="translateX(some value)"
  4. I need stagger for only one animation so I think that is better not to use any library.I would like to know how to make stagger animation without any library.Cause it's just one animation I can set the transition in css and instead of "x=400" I can use "style.transform="translateX(some value)"
  5. But what if I want to start from last element? In TweenMax I just add a "-" in front of delay time. TweenMax.staggerTo(".box", 0.42, {x:x_pos,ease: Power2.easeInOut},-0.0102); And I also need TweenLite for that,I was asking about stagger without any library.
  6. Matija Milikic


    Hi I use TweenMax,but acctually the only thing I need is "staggerTo".Is there somebody who knows how I can make that effect without TweenMax.It's stupid to use whole library which has so many features and I need only one.
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