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Everything posted by chefkeifer

  1. great thanks...it still just amazes me the things you can do with this...amazing...
  2. ok..i got that to work..finally..took me a while...when you only work on the websites every so often..you have to go back and re learn how to do everything..thanks for that... quick quesiton... how do i get both of these to happen at the same time but i do not want the alpha to start fading out until halfway through the first tween...does that make sense...to give you a visual..this is a atv going away from the screen like its going into the woods..i want the user to be able to see the atv most of the time and then start to fade away as the scale begins to go down flagEnter.append( TweenMax.to(atv, 1, {x:400, y:161, scaleX:0.1, scaleY:0.1, ease:Linear.easeOut})); flagEnter.append( TweenMax.to(atv, 1, {alpha:0}));
  3. what if i want to have two different movieclip do the same thing within the same timeline? i.e. alpha and x and y coordinates
  4. i have this code but i want it to happen at the same time..but some i want to happen one after another..how to i go about this.. function flagWave(){ var flag:Kflag = new Kflag(); flag.source = "imagesCAW/flag.gif"; addChild(flag); flag.alpha = 0; atv.alpha = 0; var enterStage:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); enterStage.append(TweenMax.to(flag, .5, {x:1088, y:135})); enterStage.append(TweenMax.to(atv, .5, {x:850, y:210})); enterStage.append(TweenMax.to(flag, 1, {alpha:1})); enterStage.append(TweenMax.to(atv, 1, {alpha:1})); enterStage.append(TweenMax.to(flag, 1, {x:"-200"})); flag.wave_width =.5; flag.wave_height = 0.75; flag.wave_speed = 4; flag.hang_side = "left"; } flagWave();
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