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    Brisbane, Australia

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  1. Hmm, I was using version 1.18, updating to 1.191 has fixed the problem. Here's what I was running anyway, thanks again, LoaderMax is the best loader API I've used in years. _usernames = new Vector.(); _usernames[0] = "haywirefilms"; _usernames[1] = "rodoneill"; _usernames[2] = "tezzling"; _loaderMax = new LoaderMax(); _loaderMax.addEventListener(LoaderEvent.COMPLETE, loadComplete); _loaderMax.addEventListener(LoaderEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress); var xmlLoader:XMLLoader; for(var i:uint=0; i<_usernames.length; i++) { xmlLoader = new XMLLoader("http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/" + _usernames[i] + ".xml"); _loaderMax.append(xmlLoader); } _loaderMax.load();
  2. You would get an error because that Twitter username does not exist, I was using that as an example, sorry. try replacing it with my actual twitter username: var l:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); l.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, test); l.load( new URLRequest("http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/rodoneill.xml") );
  3. I'm trying to load several twitter xml feeds using XMLLoader e.g -http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/egusername.xml with no success. I can load this fine when using URLLoader, but when I use XMLLoader it doesn't seem to do anything, when listening to LoaderMax onProgress, it just returns 0% a few times and stops. If I copy the twitter xml data into a local xml file, I can load this fine through XMLLoader - I'm assuming it's because I'm requesting from a different domain, but twitter has a crossdomain.xml file and like I said, URLLoader loads this fine. FYI I'm getting the same problem debugging locally and running release build on localhost via wamp. EDIT - It's obviously finding the xml, as it doesn't throw errors (it does if I modify the url), it simply won't load it....? Thanks in advance.
  4. cool, thanks for the explanation.
  5. Also, if I have an addCallback in my timeline at 3 seconds, and I call restart(false, false) or gotoAndPlay( (anything less than 3), false ) - the addCallback at 3 seconds gets called immediately and then again at it's correct time...?
  6. I've already figured my problem out, but I'd just like this question answered - I have a timelinemax instance that consists of just addCallbacks(), I was getting stumped why it wouldn't playback correctly when I called timelinemax.gotoAndPlay(1) - until I realised the default paramater 'supressEvents' is true, setting this to false solved my problem. However, if I set suppressEvents to true, and call restart() or gotoAndPlay(0), only the first addCallback() is suppressed, all others play fine - is this a bug? My other question would be, what's the reason for setting suppressEvents to true by default? Thanks
  7. Thank you. You are truly a godsend to the flash community
  8. Is there a way to call TweenLite.killTweensOf(movieClip) and just kill a specific property, i.e. rotation/scale?
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