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Everything posted by jh-thank-you

  1. For anyone else who may come across this post I found an article that shows how to load content dynamically... I haven't worked my way through it yet but hopefully this will help out others. Here are the links: part 1 - http://zurb.com/university/lessons/ajaxing-dynamic-content-with-foundation part 2 - http://zurb.com/university/lessons/dynamically-update-your-web-pages **** Additional Solutions for dynamically loaded content **** This stack overflow talks about ViaJS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17636528/how-do-i-load-an-html-page-in-a-div-using-javascript https://github.com/abdi0987/ViaJS Also a simpler solution - here is the code from the discussion: <div id="topBar"> <a href ="#" id="load_home"> HOME </a> </div> <div id ="content"></div> <script> $(document).ready( function() { $("#load_home").on("click", function() { $("#content").load("content.html"); }); }); </script> Another Stack Overflow talks about pjax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14735762/load-html-page-dynamically-into-div-with-jquery https://github.com/defunkt/jquery-pjax
  2. GreenSock Community, First, thank you in advance for any help you may provide. I am just learning how to use Greensock and web development in general, please pardon any newbie questions. I have put together a CodePen here is what I am looking to achieve: Each corner of the browser has a hyperlink with image for each section of the website. When you click on a section link that section image will move towards the center of the browser window (both vertically and horizontally centered) it will also scale up in size. The remaining section images will move out of the browser window frame (move off stage). This I have working... what I need help with is:Each section image does not center properly. I have tried a couple of things based on some other forum topics found here http://greensock.com/forums/topic/13542-positioning-relative-to-center/ and here http://greensock.com/forums/topic/13802-update-height-value-dinamically-on-window-resize/ I would also like to scale the image to about 65% of the browser window width. I tried using the technique mentioned here http://greensock.com/forums/topic/13802-update-height-value-dinamically-on-window-resize/I tried to replace "scale: 3" with "width: '65vw'" in my timeline but that did not work I also noticed that sometimes the image/object does not animate anywhere near the center (sometimes going off screen) a page refresh and clicking the link again will usually correct this behavior but it seems the javascript is not calculating the proper initial window size (thus all the other math is off). Also, is it possible to have the enlarged image (once it reaches its final animated position) be responsive (resize itself at the 65% vw) if the user resizes the window.I tried using the the window resize function found in this codepen http://codepen.io/celli/pen/XdWaRv but did not have any luck (likely because I was not able to sort the image size based on screen width as stated above). This last question is not a GreenSock question but I figure someone in the community could guide me towards a good article or solution... after the section image is centered I want to dynamically load content below it so the user can scroll down and view the appropriate content/info. I'm hoping to help speed the page load as it will only load the content the user is looking for... I'm off googling on this one now but any help will be very much appreciated. I hope that I have made things clear. Again, thank you for any help you may provide.
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