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  1. Perfect! Should have thought of that. Thanks a lot!
  2. Wow, thanks! That does function more closely to what I'm aiming for. However, now the click area is only the text rather than the exposed portion of the div. Is there a way you would suggest expanding the click area to the full exposed bar that won't cause another conflict? I'm thinking defining the <p> to be larger or making a large span around it. Anyway, thanks a lot for the solution, you guys are great!
  3. Hi all, My goal for this animation is for the div to slide over when clicked, and then for the timeline to reverse back to start when the back arrow is clicked, and be able to be played again. The play function works, but the reverse does not even though it is set up the same way. What am I doing wrong? I also checked this codepen made by GreenSock: http://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/LbezE?editors=001 It seems to be set up the same way as my functions. Let me know what I'm missing. Thanks! My CodePen: http://codepen.io/karlshaver/pen/bgervY
  4. Hi everyone, I have a timeline applied to a click event and am happy with how the animation is functioning, but, if you click again before the timeline is finished, the function will cancel the currently acting timeline. See my codepen example, the function makes the circle bounce in where the user clicks. However, if you move the cursor quickly and click again elsewhere, it moves the circle and cancels the animation. I would like to ignore all click events until the currently acting timeline is finished. What would you all recommend? Thanks, -Karl http://codepen.io/karlshaver/pen/gwGWEP
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