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Everything posted by 7onc1

  1. I have simple dynamic javascript banner with GreenSock Animation Platform like this: var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:999999999, repeatDelay:3}); var blurElement = {a:0}; tl.to(blurElement, 0.1, {a:0, onUpdate:applyBlur, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01}) tl.from(".bg", 1, {opacity:0, ease:Expo.easeOut, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01}) tl.from(".plate", 1, {x:-300,ease:Expo.easeOut, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01},"-=0.6") tl.from(".cupNew", 1, {x:-300,ease:Expo.easeOut, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01},"-=0.7") tl.staggerFrom(".irresistible, .logo, .aromat", 1, {opacity:0, x:-20, ease:Expo.easeOut, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01}, 0.4, "-=1") tl.staggerTo(".irresistible, .aromat", 1, {x:300,ease:Expo.easeIn, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01}, 0.4) tl.to(".cupNew", 3, {rotation: "-=360_ccw", ease:Expo.easeInOut, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01}, "-=1.4") tl.staggerFrom(".authentic, .taste", 1, {opacity:0, x:-20, ease:Expo.easeOut, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01}, 0.4, "-=1.4") tl.staggerTo(".authentic, .taste", 1, {x:300,ease:Expo.easeIn, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01}, 0.4, "+=0.4") tl.from(".nepovt", 1, {opacity:0, y:-120,ease:Expo.easeOut, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01}) tl.to(".logo", 1, {y:35, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01}, "-=0.7") tl.from(".stamp", 1, {opacity:0, scale:0.1, y:-120, x:-100,ease:Expo.easeIn, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01}, "-=1.6") tl.to(".stamp, .nepovt, .cupNew, .plate, .logo", 1, {opacity:0, ease:Expo.easeOut}, "+=1.2") tl.from(".homeEspresso", 1, {x:300,ease:Expo.easeOut, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01}) tl.from(".newOne", 1, {opacity:0, scale:0.1, y:-80, x:-100,ease:Expo.easeIn, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01}, "-=1") tl.from(".coffeeMaker", 1, {y:300,ease:Expo.easeOut, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01}, "-=1.4") tl.to(".homeEspresso, .coffeeMaker, .newOne", 1, {opacity:0, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01}, "+=1.4") tl.from(".jezveFineli", 1, {x:300,ease:Expo.easeOut, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01}) tl.from(".newOneCopy", 1, {opacity:0, scale:0.1, y:-80, x:-100,ease:Expo.easeIn, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01}, "-=1") tl.from(".jezve", 1, {y:300,ease:Expo.easeOut, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01}, "-=1.4") tl.to(".jezveFineli, .jezve, .newOneCopy", 1, {opacity:0, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01}, "+=1.4") tl.to(blurElement, 1, {a:2, onUpdate:applyBlur, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01}, "-=0.6") tl.from(".layer", 1, {opacity:0, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01}, "-=0.6") tl.staggerFrom(".logoCopy, .innovation", 1, {opacity:0, y:-20, ease:Expo.easeOut, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01}, 0.3, "-=0.2") tl.staggerFrom(".onlyNow, .button", 1, {y:300,ease:Expo.easeOut, force3D:true, autoRound:false, z: 0.1, rotationZ:0.01}, 0.4, "-=0.8"); function applyBlur() { TweenMax.set(['.bg'], {msFilter:"blur(" + blurElement.a + "px)", webkitFilter:"blur(" + blurElement.a + "px)",filter:"blur(" + blurElement.a + "px)"}); }; function openURL() { window.open("http://www.example.bg"); } The whole banner is linking to one specific url with javascript function opelURL() and window.open but i wanna make it link to different urls based on the time of the banner. For example from 0-3 sec when click banner link to site1, from 3-6 sec when click on banner to site2 and so on. Thank you in advance
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