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Everything posted by casizzi

  1. Yes require.js, i have a work around which is the below, which does the same thing and works but just isnt as tidy or compact, the only problem is that in manually reversing the initial tween (using x, y position) the reversal in the second tween takes place from the end point of the first tween animation and not from the current position of the first tween at the point of mouseleave define(['jquery', 'TweenLite', 'TimelineLite', 'gsapCss', 'gsapJquery'], function ($) { 'use strict';}); var $div_1 = ('.div_1') var $element_2 = ('.element_2'); $('.div_1').mouseenter(function(){ console.log("runs"); TweenLite.fromTo($element_2, 1, {x:0, ease:Power4.easeIn }, {x:-150, ease:Power2.easeOut}); }); $('.div_1').mouseleave(function(){ console.log("runs"); TweenLite.fromTo($element_2, 1.5, {x:-150, ease:Power2.easeIn }, {x:0, ease:Power4.easeOut }); });
  2. Hi im getting the same thing but my code looks fine, define(['jquery', 'TweenLite', 'TimelineLite', 'gsapCss', 'gsapJquery'], function ($) { 'use strict';}); var slide = TweenLite.to(1.25, {x:-150, ease:Power4.easeInOut, onUpdateParams:[".box_2"], paused:true}); $(".box_2").hover(over, out); function over() { slide.play(); }; function out() { slide.reverse(); };
  3. Any ideas on why I am getting the error that TweenLite is not defined here? I have tested with over code that it definnetly is but for some reason when using the below it wont work? define(['jquery', 'TweenLite', 'TimelineLite', 'gsapCss', 'gsapJquery'], function ($) {'use strict';}); var slide = TweenLite.to(1.25, {x:-150, ease:Power4.easeInOut, onUpdateParams:[".box_2"], paused:true}); $(".box_2").hover(over, out); function over() { slide.play(); }; function out() { slide.reverse(); };
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