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  1. Well, no, I don't think this is good, since I'm listening to MOUSE_DOWN/UP not CLICK. The scrollbox stops scrolling only on MOUSE_UP, therefore I cannot set a fixed destination.
  2. I can do it onMouseMove, yes, and I do. But what if I want to use a button with mousedown/up events instead? I'm a quite experienced programmer (we wrote each other more than once, even for the new class you're building..), but never found a better way of doing it.
  3. You're right but I can't find a different method: I use it for a scrollbox where I want the end of the movement with easing. That's why I call it basically onMouseMove, but also onEnterFrame if I'm using for example a button instead of a scrollbar. I really don't know how to do it in another way.. Anyway, any suggestion is really appreciated Bye!
  4. Hi! I'm repeatedly (on enter_frame) calling a function that in turn calls a simple TweenLite.to, moving a scrolling text on the y axis. I need to do some task onUpdate and onComplete. onUpdate does fire correctly, but onComplete never fires. Maybe because by calling to() on enter_frame it always overrides the previous call, I don't know.. I'd like to understand and find a solution. Could you help me please?
  5. Hi! I'm building in AS3 a thing like this jquery plugin: http://razorjack.net/quicksand/ All fine, exept when I try to center-scale items with TransformAroundCenterPlugin. Better, exept when I try to move (reposition due to items filtering or stage rezize) them AFTER using TransformAroundCenter. I guess that's because after using the plugin, the x,y props remain setted to the center of the object and not to up-left anymore. Is there any work-around to this problem? Thank you!
  6. Hi! I should make some objects (A) follow some others ( while B is moved by TweenLite. I cannot use onUpdate for now. I was wandering: is it safe to use Event.ENTER_FRAME to move A? Would it exactly follow B? In other words, does TweenLite use Event.ENTER_FRAME to do the tweenings? Thanks!
  7. reverse() is simply fantastic BUT I can't use it here, because I need to hide elements by moving them off screen, and the site is fullscreen, so if one for example enlarge the browser window before hiding them, some of them (right/bottom items) don't reach the off-screen position. I need to specify the destination explicitly. The other solution you're telling, well, it's just the one I adopted. All the thread is just about how (if possible) to avoid it and reusing the original instance. So do you think that none of the 2 solutions (the 5 and 3 points) I asked are fine for the task?
  8. Any idea? I think that going on with this discussion is not only impotant for me, but for all who need to better understand the fabulous TimelineLite!
  9. Yes I know that video, really good. I've just read the topic. I'm still not sure. So, when the first TimelineLite usage ends (when all the first opening tweens are complete), does the virtual playhead continue to play? Or it just gets automatically paused at 0.5 (the duration of the tweens)? Anyway, could this be a solution for the closing tweens? : 1. pause my tmLite 2. clear it 3. reposition the virtual playhead to zero 4. insert the closing tweens 5. play Or maybe this? : 1. pause 2. insert the closing tweens at 0.5 time (the duration of the opening tweens) 3. play from 0.5
  10. Hi again. I've got a class, with a tmLite:TimelineLite prop. In a method I call this to show my elements: tmLite = new TimelineLite(); tmLite.insertMultiple([new TweenLite(bg,0.5,{ alpha:1 }), new TweenLite(thumb3,0.5,{ y:37 }), new TweenLite(thumb2,0.5,{ y:37 }), new TweenLite(thumb1,0.5,{ y:37 }), new TweenLite(smallImg,0.5,{ x:23 }), new TweenLite(dataBox,0.5,{ x:23 }), new TweenLite(closeButton,0.5,{ x:stage.stageWidth-closeButton.width-30 }), new TweenLite(bigImg,0.5,{ alpha:1 }), ],0,TweenAlign.START, 0.1); So far, so good, all fine. then, in another method, i tried to do this, to hide them all: tmLite.insertMultiple([new TweenLite(bigImg,0.5,{ alpha:0 }), new TweenLite(closeButton,0.5,{ x:stage.stageWidth+30 }), new TweenLite(dataBox,0.5,{ x:-dataBox.width }), new TweenLite(smallImg,0.5,{ x:-smallImg.width }), new TweenLite(thumb1,0.5,{ y:-thumb1.height }), new TweenLite(thumb2,0.5,{ y:-thumb2.height }), new TweenLite(thumb3,0.5,{ y:-thumb3.height }), new TweenLite(bg,0.5,{ alpha:0 })],0,TweenAlign.START, 0.1); But nothing happened. I also tried Timelinelite.clear() before, but again, nothing happened. So I ended up reassigning tmLite to a new TimelineLite() and all worked fine. But I'd like to better understand why I can't do it the other way.
  11. Hi! Is there a way to kill all tweens at once in TimelineLite?
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