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Johan Rabie

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Everything posted by Johan Rabie

  1. I want to create a timeline of data where the dom is static (virtualized) but using tweening to run through an array of objects. I think the stick to finger part is fine, but when doing a flick gesture you need something that will give a bit of physics to the scrolling. To do this i was wondering if one can tween through a array of objects and on update updated the relevant dom objects. Are there any examples of something like that?
  2. When i started with systemjs i had difficult understanding how be best introduce non packed libraries like greensock to my ES6 application. I also have a paid for subscription so the JSPM install will not work for me as it is and could not get it installed using jspm install greensock anyway. I figured out a really simple way of doing this and hope it might be useful to some of you. 1. Configure config.js in paths define where library folder is (shorthand your mapping...) "lib:*": "library/*" under map add a named item to where your greensock dependency is at. "TweenMax": "lib:greensock/TweenMax.min" 2. use it in your es6 file by importing it. import 'TweenMax'; 3. animate play(rect, color) { return new Promise(function(resolve) { this.setLocation(rect, color).then(() => { let animationDetails = { attr: { opacity: 0, r: this.animationRadius }, onComplete: resolve }; this.tween = window.TweenMax.to(this.circle, 0.5, animationDetails); }); }.bind(this)); }
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