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  1. Hey Carl, this is awesome, thanks a lot, it was what I was looking for:) I'll buy you a beer some day Kasper
  2. Thanks Carl, I've made a simple pen, that shows what my code looks like....
  3. Hi Guys, I'm creating a website where I have to animate (approx. 50) svg lines from bottom to top of the screen in different tempi. I made it with staggerFromTo, but then I can't randomnize the the speed of each lines (se the attached image). Now I'm trying to create this with a for loop where i add tweens to a timelineMax, but I cant get it to work var thinLineArr = []; var num = Math.ceil(ww/lineThickness); transitioncontainer.css({'height':wh}); // Adding all the lines to the scene var svg = '<svg id="transition-top-svg" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">'; for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { var line = '<path class="transition-line" d="M ' + (lineThickness * i) + ' 0 l 0 ' + wh + '" />'; thinLineArr.push($(line)); svg += line; }; svg += '</svg>'; transitioncontainer.append(svg); //Starting Scrollmagic var timeline = new TimelineMax() for (var k = 0; k < num; k++) { timeline.add(TweenMax.from(thinLineArr[k], 2, {scale: 0})); } var scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: "body", duration: 1000, offset: 100 }) .setTween(timeline) .addTo(scrollMagicController);
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