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  1. Hey everyone, I'm working on a card flip animation that appears to be just fine in all browsers except IE11. For some reason, the flip animation doesn't appear to have any perspective the way it does in other browsers. Ultimately, the card flip should appear 3D (instead of "flat" like it does in IE11). I can't really figure out what I'm doing wrong here. Everything appears to be in order, I'm thinking I might just have a browser specific bug on my hands. Any help or advice would be appreciated, thanks!
  2. Hey everyone, I recently put together a nifty little site for a local event in town and (of course) I utilized Greensock in my project. I took a demo that I had found and tweaked it so I could create the snowfall effect seen in the hero/background. However, I've noticed that it seems like its slow (performance wise) on certain devices and its gotten me thinking that maybe I can optimized the performance to insure a steady 60fps framerate (as consistently as possible). The codepen URL I provided shows the original fork example I created. http://codepen.io/iansvo/pen/NNVPPj Here is the live website where this code was implemented (sans the transform: scale() on the <div id="snow"></div> element): http://jacksonvillechristmas.com Any and all feedback would be most appreciated. Thanks!
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