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Posts posted by aijololo

  1. Thank you, the revertOnUpdate seems to fix the issue.

    Can't say I understand why this works tho, as the useGSAP is reverted when the component is unmounted?


    The Refresh is because I have ScrollTriggers on elements below the feed that don't work without it. And removing the Refresh doesn't fix the issue in my full project.


    Another thing I tested is adding tweens without ScrollTriggers to the feed, and that doesn't cause any errors.

  2. Hello,

    I was not able to recreate this issue in codesandbox or stackblitz, but hope you can give some insight based on what I can provide here.


    I have a Next.js website using the pages router, and I have an issue with a component that has elements rendered dynamically from a script after the component mounts. (It's a social media feed from Curator.io)
    The posts in the feed have a scrolltrigger applied to them after the feed has loaded.

    const curatorContainer = useRef()
    useGSAP(() => {
        if ( feedLoaded ) {
            trigger: curatorContainer.current,
            start: "top bottom-=200px",
            onEnter: () => {
                opacity: 0
                opacity: 1,
                duration: 0.75,
                delay: 0.2,
                stagger: 0.1,
                overwrite: 'auto'
            onLeaveBack: () => {
              gsap.to('.crt-post-c', {
                opacity: 0,
                duration: 0.5,
                overwrite: 'auto'
      }, { scope: curatorContainer, dependencies: [feedLoaded] })
    return (
      <div ref={curatorContainer}>


    On the first load everything works fine, but if I navigate to another page and back to the page with this component, I get several "Invalid scope" errors in the console (some on a gsap timeline unrelated to the component that seems to cause the errors). I also get the error "GSAP target .crt-post-c not found." even tho this code spicifically checks for any existing .crt-post-c before running.


    However the animations work without issues, so I just want to know what's causing the errors and if I can get rid of them.


    There is no errors when using this same gsap implementation on things that aren't dynamically rendered.

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