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Everything posted by aijololo

  1. Yeah that definitely makes it more clear to me Thanks a lot for your help and explanations!
  2. Thank you, the revertOnUpdate seems to fix the issue. Can't say I understand why this works tho, as the useGSAP is reverted when the component is unmounted? The Refresh is because I have ScrollTriggers on elements below the feed that don't work without it. And removing the Refresh doesn't fix the issue in my full project. Another thing I tested is adding tweens without ScrollTriggers to the feed, and that doesn't cause any errors.
  3. Thank you for the fast reply, and for the stackblitz templates! I managed to recreate the issue here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/nextjs-szpzhc?file=components%2FCurator.js
  4. Hello, I was not able to recreate this issue in codesandbox or stackblitz, but hope you can give some insight based on what I can provide here. I have a Next.js website using the pages router, and I have an issue with a component that has elements rendered dynamically from a script after the component mounts. (It's a social media feed from Curator.io) The posts in the feed have a scrolltrigger applied to them after the feed has loaded. const curatorContainer = useRef() useGSAP(() => { if ( feedLoaded ) { ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: curatorContainer.current, start: "top bottom-=200px", onEnter: () => { gsap.fromTo('.crt-post-c', { opacity: 0 }, { opacity: 1, duration: 0.75, delay: 0.2, stagger: 0.1, overwrite: 'auto' }) }, onLeaveBack: () => { gsap.to('.crt-post-c', { opacity: 0, duration: 0.5, overwrite: 'auto' }) }, }) } }, { scope: curatorContainer, dependencies: [feedLoaded] }) return ( <div ref={curatorContainer}> ... </div> ) On the first load everything works fine, but if I navigate to another page and back to the page with this component, I get several "Invalid scope" errors in the console (some on a gsap timeline unrelated to the component that seems to cause the errors). I also get the error "GSAP target .crt-post-c not found." even tho this code spicifically checks for any existing .crt-post-c before running. However the animations work without issues, so I just want to know what's causing the errors and if I can get rid of them. There is no errors when using this same gsap implementation on things that aren't dynamically rendered.
  5. That worked perfectly! Thank you so much for the quick response!
  6. Hello! I am having a problem with running a function inside a timeline with onComplete. Instead of running when the tween is complete, the function runs when page loads. Am I missing something obvious here? Created a codepen with a simplified example. Thanks!
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