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Posts posted by fadyhenen

  1. I Tried it, but it's not working,


    when I change the frame to 0 it works first time and then when I click the banner it opens multiple pages?



    this.replay.addEventListener("click", fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame.bind(this));

     function fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame()


    My timeline


    var root = this,
    tl = new TimelineMax( { repeat: 1, repeatDelay: 1 } );

    .addLabel( 'myLabel1' )

    .from( this.t1, 1, { alpha:0,x:this.t1.x-50,  ease:Expo.easeOut  }, 'myLabel1+=1' )

    .to( this.t1, 0.75, { alpha:0,  ease:Expo.easeOut }, 'myLabel1+=4' )

    .from( this.t2, 1, { alpha:0,x:this.t2.x-50,  ease:Expo.easeOut  }, 'myLabel1+=4.5' )
    .from( this.t3, 1, { alpha:0,x:this.t3.x-50,  ease:Expo.easeOut  }, 'myLabel1+=5' )

    .to( this.t2, 0.75, { alpha:0,  ease:Expo.easeOut }, 'myLabel1+=7' )
    .to( this.t3, 0.75, { alpha:0,  ease:Expo.easeOut }, 'myLabel1+=7' )

    .from( this.t4, 1, { alpha:0,x:this.t4.x-50,  ease:Expo.easeOut  }, 'myLabel1+=7.5' )
    .from( this.t5, 1, { alpha:0,x:this.t5.x-50,  ease:Expo.easeOut  }, 'myLabel1+=8' )


    .addLabel( 'myLabel2' )

    .from( this.seemore, 0.75, { scaleX:0, scaleY:0,alpha:0, ease:Back.easeOut }, 'myLabel2' )
    .from( this.reply, 1, { scaleX:0, scaleY:0,alpha:0, ease:Back.easeOut }, 'myLabel2+=2' )



  2. It works now 


    Thank you so much Oliver 


    really appreciate your help  B)



    here after your help  >>>>


    var tl = new TimelineMax( { repeat: 3, repeatDelay: 1 } );
    .addLabel( 'myLabel1' )
    .from( this.twofor3, 1, { scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0, alpha: 0, ease: Elastic.easeOut }, 'myLabel1' )
    .from( this.whopper, 0.75, { alpha:0, y:+450, ease:Back.easeOut }, 'myLabel1+=1.2' )
    .from( this.whopper2, 0.75, { alpha:0, y:+350, ease:Back.easeOut }, 'myLabel1+=1.4' )
    .from( this.txt1, 0.75, { alpha: 0, x: -50, ease: Power2.easeOut }, 'myLabel1+=1.6' )
    .to( this.txt1, 0.75, { alpha: 0, x: +750, ease: Power2.easeOut }, 'myLabel1+=3' )
    .from( this.txt2, 0.75, { alpha: 0, x: -50, ease: Power2.easeOut }, 'myLabel1+=3.2' )
    .from( this.fries, 0.75, { alpha:0, y:+350, ease:Back.easeOut }, 'myLabel1+=3' )
    .from( this.fries2, 0.75, { alpha:0, y:+350, ease:Back.easeOut }, 'myLabel1+=3.2' )
    .to( this.txt2, 0.75, { alpha: 0, x: +750, ease: Power2.easeOut }, 'myLabel1+=5' )
    .from( this.txt3, 0.75, { alpha: 0, x: -50, ease: Power2.easeOut }, 'myLabel1+=5.2' )
    .from( this.coca, 0.75, { alpha:0, y:+350, ease:Back.easeOut }, 'myLabel1+=5' )
    .from( this.coca2, 0.75, { alpha:0, y:+350, ease:Back.easeOut }, 'myLabel1+=5.2' )
    .to( this.txt3, 0.75, { alpha: 0, x: +750, ease: Power2.easeOut }, 'myLabel1+=7' )
    .addLabel( 'myLabel2' )
    .from( this.ordernow, 0.75, { scaleX:1.20, scaleY:1.20,alpha:0, ease:Elastic.easeOut }, 'myLabel2' )
    .to( this.ordernow, 0.75, { scaleX:1.70, scaleY:1.70, repeat:5, yoyo:true, repeatDelay:0.1, ease:Back.easeInOut }, 'myLabel2+=1' )
    :mrgreen:  :geek:  :mrgreen:  :geek:
    • Like 1
  3. Hi Guys,


    This code is inside Adobe Animate,


    and it is not working,


    and when i am adding tl. to the code to be 


    tl.add(TweenMax.from(this.twofor3, 1, { scaleX:0, scaleY:0,alpha:0, ease:Elastic.easeOut, delay:0.0}));
    the timeline is not working properly when the animation stars the next starts when the first one ends... its not working smoothly every order in its time not to wait the animation before to ends, i want to know if i am missing something or should i add any thing to fix that,



    var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:3, repeatDelay:1});
    TweenMax.from(this.twofor3, 1, { scaleX:0, scaleY:0,alpha:0, ease:Elastic.easeOut, delay:0.0});
    TweenMax.from(this.txt1, 0.75, { alpha:0, x:-50, ease:Power2.easeOut, delay:1.2});
    TweenMax.from(this.txt2, 0.75, { alpha:0, x:-50, ease:Power2.easeOut, delay:3.2});
    TweenMax.from(this.txt3, 0.75, { alpha:0, x:-50, ease:Power2.easeOut, delay:5.2});
    TweenMax.from(this.whopper, 1, { alpha:0, y:+350, ease:Back.easeOut, delay:1});
    TweenMax.from(this.fries, 1, { alpha:0, x:+350, ease:Back.easeOut, delay:3});
    TweenMax.from(this.coca, 1, { alpha:0, x:+450, ease:Back.easeOut, delay:5});
    TweenMax.from(this.whopper2, 1, { alpha:0, y:+350, ease:Back.easeOut, delay:1.2});
    TweenMax.from(this.fries2, 1, { alpha:0, x:+350, ease:Back.easeOut, delay:3.2});
    TweenMax.from(this.coca2, 1, { alpha:0, x:+450, ease:Back.easeOut, delay:5.3});
    TweenMax.to(this.txt1, 0.75, { alpha:0, x:+250, ease:Power2.easeOut, delay:3});
    TweenMax.to(this.txt2, 0.75, { alpha:0, x:+250, ease:Power2.easeOut, delay:5});
    TweenMax.to(this.txt3, 0.75, { alpha:0, x:+250, ease:Power2.easeOut, delay:7});
    TweenMax.from(this.ordernow, 0.75, { alpha:0, x:-50, ease:Power2.easeOut, delay:8});
    TweenMax.to(this.ordernow, .75, {scaleX:1.70, scaleY:1.70, repeat:5, yoyo:true, repeatDelay:0.1, ease:Back.easeInOut, delay:9});


  4. Hi Guys 


    I need your help


    how can i rotate my layers in Adobe animate cc2017


    What i am missing


    var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:3, repeatDelay:1});
    tl.from(this.logo_mc, 1.5, { transformStyle:"preserve-3d", RotationX:180 ,scaleX:0, scaleY:0, alpha:0, ease:Back.easeOut})
    .from(this.b1_mc, 0.4, {y:"+=70", alpha:0, ease:Back.easeOut}, "-=0.3")
    .from(this.b2_mc, 0.5, {alpha:0}, "+=0.3")
  5. Good Evening people


    I am designer and i used greensock before to animate banners in "Adobe Flash" i used to import the "com folder" to the flash and start writing scripts and the animation goes right everytime,


    Now with Adobe Animate cc what i should do to animate a HTML canvas file !


    any video tutorial available to use greensock scripts inside Adobe animate cc !?


    or steps to help me start creating my first animated banner HTML ?


    thanks people :)


  6. After i uploaded the .zip file to the browser it shows 3 errors


    1-Missing Primary asset check

    2-Relative asset check

    3-secure URL check


    I used Edge animate

    And in the creation complete i used


    var mobile = sym.$("mobile");
    var logo = sym.$("logo");
    var t1 = sym.$("t1");
    var bx1 = sym.$("bx1");
    var buynow = sym.$("buynow");
    TweenLite.from(mobile, 1, {y: "30",alpha:0, delay:1,ease: Back.easeOut });
    TweenLite.from(logo, 1, {alpha:0, delay:2,ease: Sine.easeOut });
    TweenLite.from(buynow, 1, {scaleX:0,scaleY:0,alpha:0, delay:4,ease: Elastic.easeOut });
    TweenLite.from(bx1, 1, {x: "30",alpha:0, delay:2.5,ease: Back.easeOut });
    TweenLite.from(t1, 1, {y: "10",alpha:0, delay:3,ease: Back.easeOut });

    i need help please !!

    I can't understand what to do ? :D


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