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Everything posted by mhd_arif

  1. helo everyone, can you please help me with my tween here. the cloud animate infinitely like what i wanted. the problem is this cloud animate to right after going to the left. i just want to make this move to left infinitely. Thanks.
  2. that's the thing that i looked for all the time, thank you very much brother dipscom. sorry for complicating thing haha. i planned to transfrom two circle to a sunglass and remove the other circle. thanks
  3. i think the attrplugin is easier way, like you said it didn't come from the place that it should be. i'm still figuring out how can i center it vertically. i take the height of the svg with .outerHeight() and minus it with the current position of the circle with .position.top. it didn't work, any suggestion guys?
  4. thank you so much for both of you guys, you help me a lot
  5. oh i see, thanks for the answer. so how can i move the circle to the center of the svg horizontally?
  6. hello everyone, i got another trouble and i hope anyone of you can help me. i get one svg, there are six circle inside of it and i want to move the pink to the right with left property but i doesn't work. it worked when i changed the left with x. so what is the trouble?
  7. many thanks for the answer carl. sure, i will provide a codepen demo for the next question.
  8. hello everyone, i'm wondering how can i centering my svg object exactly in the center of the screen. I give a style for my svg like position: absolute, top:0,left:50%, transform: translate(0,-50%). how can i move it to the center of the screen with gsap?
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