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Everything posted by afowler2k

  1. Awesome, thanks so much for the help!
  2. Hello, I have 2 sprites I want to tween along a bezier curve and then repeat, but I need the sprites to be staggered. This seems simple enough to create a timeline and add 2 bezier tweens and they will follow the tween. However, I want each sprite to start at different points along the path, i.e the 1st at 0, 2nd at 1/2 along the curve. and then repeat so it looks like they are looping around the bezier. If I add more sprites I want them all to follow the same path, but have them evenly spaced. What's the best way to do this? I have a codepen above (hacked from one of the demos) to show what I have so far. Basically, my question is, is there a way to start a sprite 1/2 way along the same bezier as the 1st? Thanks in advance, Andy
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