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Posts posted by Amanda

  1. Hi, I've almost got it working, and hoping for just a little more guidance. I have updated the CodePen demo, and have taken the onclick out of the html and put it into the js file. What I've added is the following: 

    var buttonOne = $('#one');
      var clicked = false;
      buttonOne.click(function() {
        if (clicked) {
          tl1.tweenTo('first', {
            onComplete: function() {
        clicked = !clicked;

    And it's almost working. The only thing is that it works on DOUBLE click, rather than a single click. If someone can steer me in the right direction, it'd be much appreciated. 



  2. THANKS! I've updated my codepen sample and it's working almost as I hope. 


    There are three things I have questions about 


    1. It doesn't seem to be continuing the animation after pressing a button. It goes to that part of the timeline and stops. 


    2. Is there a way to skip over the pauses? 


    3. When I have taken this sample that is pretty much working on CodePen, and applied it to the site I'm working on locally on my computer, the buttons aren't functioning, I've triple checked my code and it's not happening. 

  3. Hi, the thing is the tweenTo() moves at the same speed as the animation and does pauses and so forth. I am looking for a way to make it move very quickly, with no pauses. 



  4. Hi, 


    I have slides moving on a timeline and I've created buttons to jump directly to a slide (note: the slides split in two and the left side moves down and the right side moves up)


    Rather than going directly to the slide, is it possible to tween to the slide quickly, rather than going through the animation at it's set speed, with the pauses and everything. 


    Thanks in advance!


    See the Pen BjzBav by ald603 (@ald603) on CodePen

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