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Everything posted by niklasinla

  1. Thanks alot Jamie! Sorry for a late answer. But the thing with this solution is that an element can be animated before the content, let say an image is loaded hence visible... That's not what I want. It doesn't make sense to me to animate something that we aren't sure is visible or present just yet... Best, Niklas
  2. Thanks a lot Carl! This was what I suspected. Now it seems as though I exaggerated the SEO part. I've done some searching on this & it seems to be a lot of different opinions regarding this with the css as hidden or a set opacity to 0... No one seems to be 100% sure but it seems like you're ok as long as you don't stuff your hidden text with tons of keywords hence do some obvious cloaking. Nothing to do with GSAP really but thought I would share this here is someone finds this question interesting.
  3. Hi there! I've used the flash versions of the libraries before but now I just recently moved to the js-version - exciting!! Since I'm more of a designer than developer I like to place graphics, images etc. where they are supposed to be in a layout after they have been animated. This means that I really like to use "from" animation. But I've come to notice that this sometimes gives me some flicker of the elements where they are placed at the final "place" & not the "from" state. I have this (the timeline will have more animations) & this gives my some flicker of the bells element before it becomes "invisible": window.onload = function() { var bells = document.getElementById("firtreeBells"); //create a TimelineLite instance var tl = new TimelineLite(); tl.from(bells, 0.6, {top:"35%", autoAlpha:"0"}); tl.pause(); }; Setting the intitial css to an opacity:0; will solve this but then I have to use "to-animation" instead. Or maybe a visible:hidden and change this at onStart..? Since in this case the initial opacity:0; is set for an image it won't necessary matter that much but I'm thinking that it certainly will matter if you are making an animation of text on a website. Setting the opacity to zero or visible to hidden in the css for text is definitely not a good thing from a SEO perspective...google for example will not like this... Any tips on this? Best, Niklas
  4. Ah - thank you very much for your fast answer. I will have to take a look at this & experiment some. I REALLY love your website - I just re-discovered it. Remember I saw it some time ago & put in my bokmarks to visit & go over some of your tutorials but haven't had the time just yet. I will have to take a look on your tutorials - especially the one's regarding greensock. So much good stuff there. Really nice work! Niklas
  5. Hi there! Is it possible to use the Greensock tweening engines with let say for example the Starling Framework or ND2D framework for FlashPlayer11 & GPU acceleration. I haven't looked into details regarding these frameworks just yet but it seems like they don't use the displaylist & they are using the new stage3D API. I guess the same question apply to the new AWAY3D that also is using the new stage3D API... Best, Niklas
  6. Wow - thanks for a fast answer! Ok - I will give it a go for sure. Niklas By the way thanks for a superb tweening engine.
  7. Hi there! I have a question regarding onComplete or onStart etc. Is there any way you can make something happen on onComplete for example without using a function. Instead writing it "directly". Something like this or so: TweenLite.to(mc, 5, {x:300, onComplete:"myMC.gotoAndStop(1);"}); Best, Niklas
  8. Check the PluginExplorer-v11.swf in the download. It's in the AS3 in a folder called demo_swfs. Some goodies in there to generate code. NIklas
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